Galactic Encounters, Apollo Objects & Atlantis: Catastrophe in Human History

In summary, recent findings about interactions of the Earth with extraterrestrial bodies, particularly comets and Apollo-like objects, are reviewed. Some gaps in our understanding of galaxy dynamics are exposed.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
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Galactic Encounters, Apollo Objects and Atlantis:
A Catastrophical Scenario for Discontinuities in Human History

Summary: Recent findings about interactions of the Earth with extraterrestrial bodies, particularly comets and Apollo-like objects, are reviewed, with special attention to climatological effects. We discuss the hypothesis that the last glaciation was started by a collision over a continent and was terminated by a collision over an ocean. We propose that during the glaciation sufficiently good climatic conditions in the lower latitudes made possible for mankind to develop a high level of civilization. The Platonic story of Atlantis is interpreted as an essentially correct description of a political power active in the final period of the last glaciation. Arguments are given to identify the island of Atlantis with Hispaniola. The catastrophe which destroyed the Atlantis civilisation is identified with the oceanic collision which terminated the glaciation. In this framework we also propose a new interpretation of the flood stories in the Bible and in the Gilgamesh epics, and of the origin of the Camunian civilisation. [continued][
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  • #2
This is fascinating reading, I have to finish it tomorrow. But, these guys must have, or someone must have gotten up a posse to check out the Caribbean for signs. I remember a report of an underwater set of pyramids, 2000 feet down, off the coast of Cuba from summer before last.

I live in Utah, a part of the Mormon theology is that The Garden Of Eden is on the Mississippi River.

I am not of that faith, but the idea is now not as far fetched as it once seemed to me.
  • #3
Pseudoscientific cliches are born, when fact and fiction collide.

Joining up the dots of documents which were not intended to be primarily historical, especially their most extraordinary claims, does not make them more, or less true. A meta-fiction is still fiction without hard, objective facts.
  • #4
Oh yes that is true, but you have to wonder, will we see a license to think, and those without it, won't be able to speak?

I just thought this was fascinating, and it shows to me some gaps in my understanding of how our galaxy works. For instance, I am not afraid to say, that I thought the spiral galaxy, all moved together, as a singular entity; and our place where ever we are, is somewhat fixed in relation to the rest of our galaxy. So this idea of transiting an arm of the galaxy makes me realize that I have some huge misunderstandings.
Or do I?

There were some huge archeological findings off the coast of Cuba, summer before last. I have looked and looked for anything definitive and less sensational and sketchy, but nothing is to be found on this story.
  • #5
On Cuba, I'm not sure what has happened there. It seems that Castro was causing problems of some sort. National Geographic was slated to start filming, and they were either denied access or waiting for permission to start, that last that I heard. Still, it has been so long that I'm starting to wonder if the initial findings were not so clear after all. We will see... I think the scientists involved had a webpage for this. I will check later.

Related to Galactic Encounters, Apollo Objects & Atlantis: Catastrophe in Human History

1. What is the concept of galactic encounters in relation to human history?

Galactic encounters refer to the theory that Earth has had multiple interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations throughout its history. These encounters are believed to have influenced human development and shaped major historical events.

2. What are Apollo objects and their significance in this theory?

Apollo objects are believed to be remnants of advanced technology left behind by ancient extraterrestrial civilizations. These objects, such as the Apollo 11 "moon rock" and the Antikythera mechanism, support the idea of galactic encounters and suggest that humans have been visited by advanced beings in the past.

3. How does the Atlantis catastrophe tie into this theory?

The Atlantis catastrophe is a legendary event described by Plato that is said to have destroyed the advanced civilization of Atlantis. Some believe that this destruction was caused by a galactic encounter, either through a natural disaster or a war with extraterrestrial beings.

4. Is there any scientific evidence to support this theory?

There is currently no concrete scientific evidence to support the theory of galactic encounters and their impact on human history. However, there are various artifacts and unexplained phenomena that have led some scientists and researchers to believe that there may be truth to this theory.

5. How does this theory fit into our understanding of human evolution?

This theory suggests that human evolution may have been influenced by interactions with advanced extraterrestrial beings, rather than solely through natural selection and environmental factors. It challenges traditional beliefs about the origins of humanity and raises questions about our place in the universe.
