Astronaut Ed Mitchell's cosmic awakening

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: I do not claim to know what has happened, just that it would be foolish to dismiss it all summarily.In summary, Ed Mitchell experienced a cosmic awakening during his return trip from the moon 33 years ago, leading him to question and challenge the unexplained. He has since founded an institute, written books, and speaks publicly about his beliefs. Mitchell asserts that many others are like him and keep an open mind about the unexplained. He also believes in a government cover-up of UFOs, citing Area 51 and the Roswell Incident as examples. Mitchell has not had first-hand experience with aliens, but is convinced they have visited Earth. He is open to the idea that mankind may have been genetically engineered by other civilizations, but has
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Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Somewhere in deep space, Ed Mitchell experienced a cosmic awakening that changed his life.

"I got to look out the window a lot," he recalled about his return trip from the moon 33 years ago this week. "I had a powerful insight looking at the heavens. Suddenly, it became damn personal."

Since then, he has founded an institute to study the unexplained, has written two books and keeps busy on the lecture circuit. He asserts that very many people are like him: questioning, challenging, keeping an open mind about the unexplained.[continued]

Dr. Mitchell's web site:
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A government cover-up of UFOs: "That's putting it mildly. We've been lied to and covered up. It was a military rationale 50 years ago. Now it's a bureaucratic morass. I doubt if higher-ups even know what the right answers are." Why a cover up at the beginning? "It would rattle our foundations."

Area 51, the secret military base in Nevada where scientists study crashed alien spacecraft and their crews: Was briefed, even recently, by "old timers" who were there, "but I can't say by whom." The Roswell Incident, in which aliens, some alive, were recovered after a July 1947 crash: "It was valid. I've been briefed."

Whether aliens have visited earth: Has no first-hand experience but is convinced. Hostile? "Not that I'm aware." People who claim they were abducted by aliens? "Something has happened to them. The jury's still out about what happened." Can't dismiss one theory that aliens are collecting terrestrial DNA for research.

Erich von Däniken, whose many books theorize early Biblical passages and folk stories actually described visits by aliens: "It's pretty far out. There may be a kernel of truth." Was mankind genetically engineered by other civilizations or originally immigrants from another planet? "I have not seen validation for that."

Jim Oberg writes off Cooper and ED as 'loony-toons'...and that's a true skeptic for you.

who are the guys who "briefed" Mitchell?
""but I can't say by whom.""

Nobody on Capital Hill willing to hear their stories??Can't get a Congressional Hearing granting 'immunity' from their 'military oaths' the story goes

Why are "they" afriad to talk out in the open?
All together now,1,2,3, go!

It drives me crazy!
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Jim Oberg writes off Cooper and ED as 'loony-toons'...and that's a true skeptic for you.

He must include Barry Goldwater, Buzz Aldrin and other retired astronauts, and a large number of high ranking military or government officials as well. It seems that the more likely someone is to have information in this respect, the loonier they must be.

Related to Astronaut Ed Mitchell's cosmic awakening

What is "Astronaut Ed Mitchell's cosmic awakening"?

"Astronaut Ed Mitchell's cosmic awakening" refers to an experience that astronaut Edgar Mitchell had while on the Apollo 14 mission to the moon in 1971. He reported feeling a profound sense of connectedness and unity with the universe during his spacewalk, which he described as a "peak experience".

What caused Ed Mitchell's cosmic awakening?

Ed Mitchell's cosmic awakening was likely caused by a combination of factors, including the unique and awe-inspiring environment of space, the intense emotional and physical experiences of being an astronaut, and possibly personal beliefs and perspectives.

What impact did Ed Mitchell's cosmic awakening have on him?

Ed Mitchell's cosmic awakening had a significant impact on him, leading him to become an outspoken proponent of the idea that consciousness and interconnectedness are fundamental aspects of the universe. He founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences to further explore these ideas.

Can anyone have a cosmic awakening like Ed Mitchell?

It is possible for anyone to have a cosmic awakening like Ed Mitchell, but it is not a guaranteed experience. Factors such as personal beliefs, mindset, and the environment can all play a role in facilitating this type of experience.

Has there been any scientific research on cosmic awakenings?

Yes, there have been some scientific studies on cosmic awakenings and peak experiences. The Institute of Noetic Sciences, founded by Ed Mitchell, conducts research on these topics and publishes studies in peer-reviewed journals. However, more research is needed to fully understand these experiences and their potential impact on individuals and society.

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