Ads/cft correspondence and quantum / classical correspondance

In summary, the correspondence between quantum and statistical mechanics is explained in Le Bellac's book.
  • #1
Hi Pf
I do not know if it is only an analogy but i consider these two correspondences:
I) the transformation of a quantum spin into a statistical problem by a Wick rotation.
we start with a qubit evolving in time between 0 and t from S0 to St. we use a exp(iHt) operator to describe its evolution. we can use a Wick rotation to map each Feynman path to [0 t] on the x line such than the amplitudes are transformed in probabilities exp(-H).
Here we hace a correspondance between a 0 dimension system evolving in time to a 1 dimension statistical system.
In the statistical system the interferences have disapeared but the notion of temperature appears.
II) in the Ads/cft formalism we have a 2 dimensional quantum system without
gravity and we consider the 3 dimension bulk in which gravity appears.

I wonder if in the point of view of information it is only an analogy.
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  • #2
Heidi said:
In the statistical system the interferences have disapeared but the notion of temperature appears.
No. What disappears in statistical mechanics at a fixed temperature is a change with time.
  • #3
When we compute the probability in qm we add the amplitudes a+b and we multiply it by its conjugare getting aa* + bb* + ab* + ba*
if you Wick rotate that in a statistical problem you add the probabilities aa* + bb*
  • #4
If you Wick rotate exp(-i Ht) into exp(- H tau) you get non négative real numbers that cannot cancel the other terms. that is why interferences disappear.
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  • #5
Heidi said:
If you Wick rotate exp(-i Ht) into exp(- H tau) you get non négative real numbers that cannot cancel the other terms. that is why interferences disappear.
Three points:
1) By this argument, perhaps you can elliminate destructive interference, but not constructive interference.
2) Even destructive interference cannot be elliminated in some cases, for example when the wave function is stationary, so that interference pattern does not change with time.
3) By the Wick rotation a quantum system remains quantum and does not turn into a classical system. For instance, quantum indistinguashibility of identical particles is not affected by the Wick rotation.
  • #6
i only say that there is a correspondence between a 0 dimensional problem and a 1 dimensional problem. it is well explained ln Le Bellac book.
  • #7
Heidi said:
i only say that there is a correspondence between a 0 dimensional problem and a 1 dimensional problem. it is well explained ln Le Bellac book.
I agree with that. But it has nothing to do with AdS/CFT, because in AdS/CFT one assumes that both times are real (or both imaginary if one considers AdS/CFT in thermal equilibrium).
  • #8
Michel Le Bellac is the author of this book in 1998:

I quote several translated lines

In quantum mechanics, an important role is often played by the
classic path going from A to B, that is to say by the path which makes
stationary action. In the corresponding physics problem
classical statistic, the configuration corresponding to the classical path
is the "configuration of Landau": indeed the configuration of Landau
is that which makes the Hamiltonian stationary (cf. II.B). To fluctuations
quantum fluctuations around the classical path correspond
statistics around the Landau configuration. These fluctuations are
studied by perturbation theory, and it is not surprising to
encounter the same techniques in both types of problems.
Paragraph A deals with a basic example: correspondence
between the dynamics of a quantum spin 1/2 and that of the Ising model at
1 dimension. This example illustrates in a very simple way the passage of a
quantum problem to a statistical problem, and allows to specify a
number of matches

And after that:

To a quantum field theory in a D - 1 dimensional space (i.e. a space-time of dimension D) will correspond to a statistical system in a D-dimensional space

when i saw the Ads/Cft correspondence between a quantum 2 space and a 3 space i remembered his sentences.
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  • #9
Could you read the ADS CFT correspondence article in wikipedia? they also talk abous critical points and statistical mechanics.
  • #10
As the name of the book is "from critical phenomena to gauge theories" I googled these worlds.
I found this article.
It is far far above my level but i think it shows that Le Bellac's ideas have something to do with the ADS CFT correspondence..
  • #11
Maybe I was not sufficiently clear, so I will repeat in a more explicit manner.
Let ##(n,k)## denote a theory with ##n## space dimensions and ##k## time dimensions. Le Bellac relates
- ##(n,1)## theory to ##(n+1,0)## theory
By contrast AdS/CFT relates
- ##(n,1)## theory to ##(n+1,1)## theory
or, in thermal equilibrium,
- ##(n,0)## theory to ##(n+1,0)## theory
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  • #12
Wick rotation replaces it/h by 1/kT . In real life we have both. Is it not too much?
  • #13
Heidi said:
Wick rotation replaces it/h by 1/kT . In real life we have both. Is it not too much?
Strictly speaking, temperature is well defined only in the thermal equilibrium, and in equilibrium nothing changes with time. In this strict sense, we never have both. But in a less strict sense, we often can talk about time-dependent thermal systems. For such purposes one can introduce a complex time, having both a real and an imaginary part.
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  • #14
Is it what Landau does with his [itex] i \Gamma [/itex] in the hamiltonian of an unstable particle?
  • #15
Heidi said:
Is it what Landau does with his [itex] i \Gamma [/itex] in the hamiltonian of an unstable particle?
Not quite. Imaginary Hamiltonian is one thing, imaginary time is another.
  • #16
Could you tell me what is , for you , the most interesting or useful
way to use time with an imaginary part?
Have you other examples in mind?
  • #17
Heidi said:
Could you tell me what is , for you , the most interesting or useful
way to use time with an imaginary part?
Have you other examples in mind?
Imaginary time can be used as a computational trick for:
- quantum systems in thermal equilibrium
- special relativity
- analytic continuation for better convergence of path integrals
- analytic continuation as a tool in computation of Feynman loops
  • #18
I found that with time being completely imaginary (Wick rotation)
i would like to see t + i t' in formulas.
  • #19
the only one i found is the kms contour
have you others?

Related to Ads/cft correspondence and quantum / classical correspondance

1. What is the AdS/CFT correspondence?

The AdS/CFT correspondence, also known as the holographic principle, is a conjectured duality between two seemingly different physical theories - Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space and Conformal Field Theory (CFT). It suggests that a quantum theory of gravity in a higher dimensional space (AdS) is equivalent to a lower dimensional quantum field theory (CFT) without gravity.

2. How does the AdS/CFT correspondence work?

The AdS/CFT correspondence works by mapping the degrees of freedom in one theory to those in the other. In other words, the two theories are dual to each other, meaning that they contain the same information and can be used to describe the same physical system. This allows for insights and calculations in one theory to be translated to the other, providing a powerful tool for studying both theories.

3. What is the significance of the AdS/CFT correspondence?

The AdS/CFT correspondence has significant implications for our understanding of quantum gravity and the nature of spacetime. It also has practical applications in areas such as high energy physics, condensed matter physics, and black hole thermodynamics. It has also led to important developments in string theory and has been used to solve previously unsolvable problems in physics.

4. What is the quantum/classical correspondence?

The quantum/classical correspondence is a related concept to the AdS/CFT correspondence. It suggests that there is a connection between the behavior of a quantum system and the corresponding classical system in the limit of large quantum numbers. This correspondence is important for understanding the transition between the quantum and classical worlds and has applications in areas such as quantum information theory and cosmology.

5. How is the AdS/CFT correspondence tested?

The AdS/CFT correspondence is a theoretical framework that has been extensively studied and tested through various mathematical and computational methods. It has also been supported by experimental evidence, such as the observation of a holographic dual in certain condensed matter systems. However, further research and experimentation are needed to fully understand and confirm the validity of this correspondence.

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