3D Geometry: Calculate the position of the north star

In summary, the conversation discusses using three measurements to find the angle of the arc traced by a star in the sky and using the cross product of these measurements to determine the direction of the north star. The formula z=\rho*cos\varphi_{c} is used to calculate the coordinates of the north star, and the correct formula for converting from Euclidean to spherical coordinates is x=cos\varphi_{c}cos\theta, y=sin\varphi_{c}sin\theta, and z=cos\varphi_{c}. The issue with the longitude being incorrect is resolved once the correct formula is used.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Ok I'm able to track one star in the sky, over a period of one hour. We use three measurements to find the angle of the arc traced by the star. The three measurements also constitute two vectors. We can take the cross product of those vectors and it will give us a vector that is perpendicular to both of those, and hence points in the direction of the north star. Divide by its magnitude for a unit vector. Then, we can use the formula [itex]z=\rho*cos\varphi_{c}[/itex] Where rho is arbitrary (in this case, 1) and phi is the colatitude of the north star.

Homework Equations

Measurement 1: Longitude=0, Colatitude=45
Measurement 2: Longitude=-8.840 Colatitude=48.729
Measurement 3: Longitude=-15.561 Colatitude=51.95


The Attempt at a Solution

Using the right hand rule, I deduce that M2M1 would be vector A and M2M3 should be vector B. AxB should point fron the origin (earth) in the direction of the north star.

AxB/||AxB|| = <-.24957, -.43297, .8662>

These are the euclidean coordinates for the north star, but the answer is needed in sphereical coords, [itex](\theta,\varphi)[/itex]

I get the correct latitude, 60°, but the longitude (which is supposed to be 240°) does not come out right. Instead I get 300°.

Any help would be much appreciated...

OK. When I use the formula [itex]x=sin\varphi_{c}cos\theta[/itex] I get 120 degrees for theta, and I notice that 360-120 is 240. What am I missing here? When I use [itex]y=sin\varphi_{c}sin\theta[/itex] I get like -60°. What's going on?
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  • #2
OK, so I finally figured it out. The problem was that I was using the wrong formula for converting from Euclidean to spherical coordinates. The correct formula is x=cos\varphi_{c}cos\theta , y=sin\varphi_{c}sin\theta and z=cos\varphi_{c}. Once I used this formula I got the correct longitude of 240°.

Related to 3D Geometry: Calculate the position of the north star

1. What is 3D geometry?

3D geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of objects and their properties in three-dimensional space. It involves concepts such as points, lines, angles, planes, and shapes in three dimensions.

2. How do you calculate the position of the north star using 3D geometry?

To calculate the position of the north star, we use a concept known as celestial coordinates. This involves determining the altitude and azimuth angles of the north star from a specific location on Earth. These angles can then be used to calculate the north star's position in three-dimensional space.

3. What is the significance of calculating the position of the north star?

The north star, also known as Polaris, is the only star that appears stationary in the night sky. It is an important navigational tool, especially for sailors and explorers. By calculating its position, we can determine our own position on Earth, as well as the direction of true north.

4. What factors affect the accuracy of calculating the position of the north star?

There are several factors that can affect the accuracy of calculating the position of the north star, such as the observer's location on Earth, atmospheric conditions, and the precision of the instruments used. Additionally, the north star's position is not completely fixed and can vary slightly over time due to the Earth's rotation and the star's own movement.

5. How is 3D geometry used in other scientific fields?

3D geometry has many applications in various scientific fields, such as astronomy, physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It is used to study the motion of celestial objects, design and analyze structures, and create realistic 3D models and simulations. It is also an essential tool in understanding the fundamental laws of the universe.

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