Recent content by phinds

  1. phinds

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    An old, blind Marine wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?' The bar immediately falls absolutely silent. In a very deep...
  2. phinds

    B is it possible to transform an electric storm into an EMP storm?

    Have you done any research on your own? Seems like you have just come up with a random thought and want us to figure it out for you.
  3. phinds

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    I'm not sure but I think it might be acceptable to discuss the possible physics of such UAP's BUT ... I always come back to the fact that every time they land, it's in the South Forty of an illiterate farmer in bumfork Alabama who does not own a camera or a smartphone and by the time anyone else...
  4. phinds

    Collection of Lame Jokes

  5. phinds

    I Single slit diffraction

    Just FYI, this is considered a terrible "citation" here on PF. WHERE have you heard? Best to either provide a valid citation or better still, just ask your question directly unless the citation is itself the source of your confusion. Since there is a pattern that builds up on the receiving...
  6. phinds

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    Woodworking humor:
  7. phinds

    Hello, introducting myself!

    Wow. Great intro. One of the best I've read here in a while. Welcome to the forum.
  8. phinds

    I Determining Whether Solution is Vector vs Scalar?

    Not sure what you mean "removes the vectors". Scalar things like work and speed are scalar and vector things like force and velocity are vectors. How you get from one to the other is not the issue. It should be easy to understand what is a vector and what is a scalar. Is that what you have a...
  9. phinds

    Engineering I have a free body diagram that I have drawn to describe my problem of dry ice in a bottle

    Doesn't sound like a very interesting conversion. The process would be "do nothing".
  10. phinds

    Engineering and pressure related questions

    Given the great specificity of the question, I am confident that the answer is "some amount".
  11. phinds

    Which year did Newton first work with calculus: 1664,1665 or 1666?

    Literally, I will take your word for it, and that would explain the grammar used, but I'm sure you would agree that a correct translation would be "we don't know anything". A literal translation is often not a correct translation. EDIT: I do appreciate the info about the literal translation.
  12. phinds

    Which year did Newton first work with calculus: 1664,1665 or 1666?

    Well, to be fair, some of us DO know grammar.
  13. phinds

    B Question About Dark Energy

    And where do you suppose the force comes from for this continuing acceleration???
  14. phinds

    Which year did Newton first work with calculus: 1664,1665 or 1666?

    Well, if you pick the wrong one, you could be off by a maximum of a whopping one half of a percent. Do you really care?
  15. phinds

    "to pay by invoice or proforma"?

    In the US an invoice is something you (the seller) send to them (the buyer) after having delivered the merchandise to them. It bills them for the merchandise. Invoices are normally used only after a commercial relationship has been established between buyer and seller. Using it for a one-off...