Recent content by Office_Shredder

  1. O

    I On inverse function theorem in Spivak's CoM

    If you multiply your function by a linear transformation the derivate is also multiplied by that linear transformation. So if you multiply it by the inverse of its derivative, you get a new function g whose derivative is the identity map.
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    A Question about existence of path-lifting property

    Here's a sketch I would do, lots of details left to you 1.) if ##t_0\in A## then ##t\in A \forall t < t_0##. 2.) if ##t_k\to t## is a sequence with ##t_k\in A## for all k, then ##t\in A## unless ##t_k< t## for all k by (1) 3.) you can have pick a strictly increasing subsequence (unless ##t=t_k##...
  3. O

    Proving convergence of sequence from convergent subsequences

    Proving the set of indices not in the subsequence converges is really roundabout. Given ##\epsilon>0## there exists ##n_k## such that ##|1/2-f_{n_k}|<\epsilon##. What can you say about ##f_n## for any ##n>n_k##? Don't think about whether it's part of the subsequence or not.
  4. O

    Finding where a function is sign definite, sign indefinite or sign semidefinite

    What is the definition of sign definite/semi definite/indefinite?
  5. O

    A Existence of a limit implies that a function can be harmonic extended

    It's an annoying quirk that you need double # instead of single $ to make in line latex, if you could edit your post to find and replace all instances it would be easier to read
  6. O

    POTW Find the Dimension of a Subspace of Matrices

    I've always felt like it's a flaw of linear algebra that more matrices don't commute with diagonal matrices
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    A Can three elbows generate any point in space?

    I think you only need one turn? Assuming your arms can have arbitrary length, the first arm can reach the (x,y,0) point corresponding to any (x,y,z), then you just make a single turn up or down and attach another arm of length z. Are the lengths of the arms restricted in any way? E.g. the set...
  8. O

    Ratio test proof

    A good starting point is to compare it to a geometric series. For example if ##c=1/3## can you think of a series that converges whose terms are eventually guaranteed to be larger than the ##x_n##?
  9. O

    Find f s. t. ||f||=1 and f(x) < 1 with ||x||=1

    Suppose ##f## is continuous and ##f(A)=B##, where ##A## is compact. Let ##U_i## be an open infinite cover of ##B## and consider ##V_i=f^{-1}(U_i)##. This is an open subcover of ##A## so has a finite subcover which I will call ##V'_i##. Let ##U'_i## be the subset of ##U_i## for which...
  10. O

    I Question about vector spaces and subsets

    I'm going to do things over two dimensions, to make the difference between scalars and vectors a bit more obvious. ##\mathbb{Q}^2## is obviously a 2 dimensional vector space over ##\mathbb{Q}##. It is also a subset of ##\mathbb{R}^2##. This is both a two dimensional vector space over...
  11. O

    Find f s. t. ||f||=1 and f(x) < 1 with ||x||=1

    No, for example the sequence ##x_k=(1,0)## when ##k## is odd and ##(0,1)## when ##k## is even does not converge. But it is true that every sequence contained in a closed bounded set has a convergent subsequence. And that subsequence will give you your contradiction.
  12. O

    Find f s. t. ||f||=1 and f(x) < 1 with ||x||=1

    Item 1 does not exist. The key point is for the supremum to be 1 but the maximum to be less than 1, there must exist a sequence ##x_n## such that ##f(x_n)\to 1## (probably worth proving if it's not obvious) What do you know about sequences in the closed unit balls? Are they guaranteed to have...
  13. O

    I Question about vector spaces and subsets

    Counterpoint: ##\mathbb{Q}\subset \mathbb{R}##, is a 1 dimensional vector space over itself but it's not a subspace of the one dimensional real vector space ##\mathbb{R}##. I would argue the addition is the same :)
  14. O

    I How to implement proper error estimation using MC

    You can kind of just compute this exactly. For any possible choice of x, you know what fraction of the time your sampling will return a 0 instead of a 1. Then you can compute things like what value of x makes it so you would only see at least as extreme a result as you got 5% of the time (in...
  15. O

    I How to implement proper error estimation using MC

    Are y and the standard deviation of dy exactly known to you?