Recent content by DrChinese

  1. DrChinese

    I Bohmian Prediction of Bell Inequality Violations

    Although the other references are better, Plato is not a bad place to look either:
  2. DrChinese

    B Question about Bell's inequalities and 3-particle entanglement

    Three photon entanglement has been explored extensively in both theory and experiment over the past 35 years. There are 2 primary states that are usually discussed: the GHZ state |000>+|111> and the W state |100>+|010>+|001>. Both of these allow for maximal entanglement. HOWEVER: The rules...
  3. DrChinese

    B Quantum teleportation of usable information

    :welcome: Assuming entanglement worked this way (which it doesn't): You could do this to 100 electrons. At point B, you see 100 random results of up> and down>. This is regardless of what is done (or not done) at point A. Not a lot of useful information in random bits. It is only the...
  4. DrChinese

    I EPR in Bohm formulation

    Greene says the 5/9 number (55%) at that point and associates it with the EPR view* that properties must be well-defined prior to measurement. Brian is extrapolating a point, and if we are not careful, we will be referring to differences that merely result from labeling. At the time of EPR...
  5. DrChinese

    I EPR in Bohm formulation

    You must not mix trials in which the selected axes are the same for Alice and Bob with those where those axes are different. The quantum expectation is completely different. Apples and oranges.
  6. DrChinese

    I EPR in Bohm formulation

    1. As quoted from EPR above: The position of QM: "...since either one or the other, but not both simultaneously, of the [non-commuting] quantities P and Q can be predicted, they are not simultaneously real...This makes the reality of P and Q depend upon the process of measurement carried out on...
  7. DrChinese

    I Why doesn't gravity cause double-slit decoherence?

    As several have already pointed out, we don't have a quantum theory of gravity to guide us on this point. More importantly: there is absolutely no requirement that our current theory of gravity - General Relativity - needs to be updated to be a quantum theory. There have been papers on the...
  8. DrChinese

    I EPR in Bohm formulation

    Agreeing 100% with everything that @PeterDonis is saying: EPR said that *any* observable of Bob could be predicted with certainty by an appropriate measurement on Alice. They deducted (as have you) that Bob's observables must be predetermined (they did not use those words) and therefore QM was...
  9. DrChinese

    A Feynman rules for Entangled photons

    An entangled photon will behave as what you call “normal” and will produce the usual interference pattern if you place a single slit in front of the double slits. That creates a coherent state and stops the entanglement for that photon. But… don’t think that means the other photon will evidence...
  10. DrChinese

    A Feynman rules for Entangled photons

    Entangled photons do not produce traditional interference patterns in the manner you imagine. It’s not possible to explain it without a sufficiently detailed example, but the short story is that such photons do not self interfere and they don’t interfere with each other. However, 2 different...
  11. DrChinese

    A Double slit experiment using entangled photons

    Actually you would see the 2 outcomes as correlated, momentum conserved if they went in opposite directions. There would simply be no interference pattern formed as more and more were observed.
  12. DrChinese

    A Double slit experiment using entangled photons

    Imagine you send an entangled particle though a double slit. It simply will not produce the expected interference pattern. The reasons are a bit complicated, but entangled particles are not coherent. See figure 2 of the following, along with the related text. Written by one of the premier...
  13. DrChinese

    A Double slit experiment using entangled photons

    The simple answer has already been presented. Entangled particle pairs - whether electrons or photons- generally do not exhibit single particle self-interference. For them to do that, the entanglement must cease on the appropriate basis. I’m sure you realize that were that not true, FTL...
  14. DrChinese

    I A new interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

    It's Mr. DrChinese. Note that I am not a doctor of any kind that involves a degree. My musician friends simply call me Doc, so that's good as well. We're all friends here. :smile: Oh, and I am not Chinese (according to 23 and me).
  15. DrChinese

    I A new interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

    1. Agree, that's true in all swapping setups. The experiment consists of having another distant scientist who makes a decision to entangle - or not - the 1 & 4 photons. Of course, she must his report her results just as Alice and Bob do. I wouldn't call requiring the results of distant...