What is Amateur: Definition and 94 Discussions

An amateur (; French: [amatœʁ]; lit. 'lover [of something]') is generally considered a person who pursues a particular activity or field of study independently from their source of income. Amateurs and their pursuits are also described as popular, informal, self-taught, user-generated, DIY, and hobbyist.

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  1. A

    Stargazing Any tips for amateur astrophotography beginners?

    I saw this mentioned in a few threads, and I thought, seeing as I just inherited a 2nd hand digital camera from my dad, maybe I should give it a go. Any tips for a beginner? I guess I should get a tripod. My camera is an Olympus SP-55OUZ with manual settings and 18x optical zoom. It's a...
  2. V

    Would amateur be able to take the flash out of a disposable camera and

    ...set it up in some kind of circuit in which I can press a button/ hit a switch and have the flash go off? I need to create and electric device of some sort, and seeing as I have a bare minimum supplies, I thought this may be plausable. I also need to draw circuit diagram to this. I am...
  3. Ryan_m_b

    Who wants to be an amateur molecular biologist?

    It looks like the bio-hacker movement are a step closer to their dream as one man tries to make a http://www.mlo-online.com/features/201112/tips-from-the-clinical-experts/the-quest-for-the-500-dollar-home-molecular-biology-laboratory.aspx. I've always been in two minds about DIY biology, I've...
  4. S

    Amateur question about rearranging atoms

    Hi, I've been thinking about atoms a lot lately, and I've tried to search on internet but did not find any comforting answers yet. So (yes I'm an amateur) there is like 100+ known elements that's possible to combine together to form another compound. My question here is: Would it be...
  5. L

    Amateur question: isotropy and the cosmologic principle

    As far as I am aware of the current and accepted theory regarding the size and structure of the universe, based on Hubble´s insights, says, that space is isotropic: that means at any place in the universe an imaginary observer would get the "same picture" - that implies also the same rates of...
  6. S

    Amateur question about QED and the modern understanding of light

    I'm reading Feynman's QED, which is a nontechnical overview of quantum electrodynamics. In this book Feynman makes three claims that I am curious about. I have a math background but regrettably not much in physics. 1. Light is a particle, period. It's not true that light is "sometimes a...
  7. R

    Help a Physics Amateur - See Attachment!

    Dear Physicists, First time poster and a complete physics amateur with a serious question. I may not have posted correctly I just really want some help to understand something (I am not a crackpot!)... My question is explained through diagrams please see the attachment. I really...
  8. B

    Physics Is it worth to focus on being a physics amateur

    Hi all! I’ve always been in love with mathematics and physics. I’m 39 and have a full time job and a great deal of time to study after work, but I don’t have the possibility of attending to a physics college and go for a degree, because of timetables of available universities (or I would go...
  9. redherring

    Amateur Particle Physics Experiments/Demonstrations

    Hello, I am a amateur-level person living in Canada with an interest in physics, especially particle physics. I have recently been wondering how possible it would be to create some simple/cheap devices to exhibit particle physics. I thought a cloud chamber would be the most feasible idea and...
  10. nukeman

    Stargazing What features of Andromeda Galaxy can you make out with an Amateur Telescope?

    What features of Andromeda Galaxy can you make out with an Amateur Telescope?? With an amateur telescope, (field of view of 2 degrees) what features can see you see in and around the andromeda galaxy? Just curious.
  11. J

    Eventual decay of all matter - question from an amateur

    I suppose I should start out by confessing that I'm hopelessly ingorant on the subject of physics, so please, be gentle. :) My question is about the eventual decay of matter into...well, random subatomic particles, or iron...I can't recall what the theorie/s state precisely. But apparently...
  12. C

    PNP Transistor - Amateur Question

    I understand that when we apply voltage to the Base of the PNP Transistor (Emitter, Base, Collector), we actually block current from passing from Emitter to Current. If there is no voltage applied to base, then current flows freely. If this is the case... how come when I wire the...
  13. S

    Amateur mathematicians versus professional mathematicians

    Is it better for some one interested in mathematics to be an amateur mathematician and pursue a degree that can help him earning more money like medicine . Mathematicians do not earn much money . right ? Fermat for example was a lawyer and an amateur mathematician , yet he contributed a lot to...
  14. G

    More amateur questions about getting letters of Reccomandation

    Say I am applying for Physics, but I am also a Math and Physics major, is it pointless and dumb to ask Math profs for letters if you are applying for Physics? Also, can someone give me a really clear direction of what a Canadian college student should do for research, like how he or she going...
  15. G

    Do Graduate Schools Require Knowledge of a Foreign Language for Admission?

    Are all prestige and good Physics/Math programs (graduate school) require you to know a foreign language? Another question is about admission in grad school. If it comes down to two people, like with the exact same grades and test scores, same merit of letters of recommendations, etc.., but...
  16. B

    So, very amateur question regarding element combinations

    Firstly, sorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm new here. Seems to be an awesome site! :) Homework Statement Well, I've got to learn all these formulae (regarding the periodic table) and was wandering if there's any specific way to be able to understand when something is and Oxide or...
  17. Z

    Advice for amateur (Matter/Space)

    I'm not a physicist or cosmologist, I'm not even a particularly good amateur one either, but it doesn't stop me thinking about it! Now I've always read that in the beginning there was nothing outside of space. IE What happens if you get to the end of space? Nothing because the only space that...
  18. F

    Amateur question about Bachelors

    How come in some countries require two years to earn a bachelor and some require five? In many countries, it is four years. Is there really a difference when compare with the four years to the two years Bachelors in terms of knowledge?
  19. F

    An Amateur Question why Engineering?

    I know that this might cause a lot of flaming, but I really want to know. Engineering is a branch of application in Science. So my question is, if a person has a Ph.D in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Biology, would he or she be able to do a job normally needed for a Engineer that...
  20. S

    Stargazing Amateur telescope eyepiece filters

    So, I have a relatively small (6") Orion Dobsonian with a 25mm and 7.5mm Plossl eyepieces and live in a somewhat light polluted area. Because of this, I am considering purchasing an eyepiece filter to reduce light pollution and enhance nebula/planetary viewing. I was wondering how this would...
  21. S

    Decline of Amateur Chemists (a.k.a citizen chemists)

    Chemists known as citizen chemists are everyday people who perform experiments to gain knowledge but do not work in a laboratory but rather have a kind of "home laboratory." So what exactly am I posting? Well, recently I read a post on another scientific forum regarding a decline of citizen...
  22. J

    Complete Amateur Needs List of Reading Material

    I'm sure this has been asked numerous times so I apologize ahead of time. I have no physics background but have been increasing interested and have read a few books in the recent months and my curiosity has only grown. So far I have read the following. In Search of Schrodinger's Cat - John...
  23. facenian

    Does EPR contradict SR in non-relativistic QM?

    I read some about EPR and the way it seems to contradict SR and I don't understand this: Since we are talking about not relativistic QM isn't it natural for it to contradict SR, for instance, Newton 3rd. law (action and reaction) contradicts the finite velocity of interactions but nobody...
  24. J

    Amateur radio + frequency measurements

    For an exam I am studying for, I have to understand the effect of measurement tolerance, calibration accuracy and time-related drift on frequency measurements. Im aware that the time-related drift is due to the oscillator frequency becoming less accurate (due to continuous crystal vibration)...
  25. J

    Amateur radio + typical bandwidth of RTTY, PSK31, FSK

    Does anyone know what the typical bandwidth of the RTTY, PSK31 and FSK amateur radio transmission schemes are ?
  26. Y

    Beginner's Guide to Stargazing: Tips for Observing Space from Mumbai, India

    Well, I am an absolute beginner at astronomy, but I'm really very interested..I want to start stargazing and observing space and studying space and stuff. can anybody help me? I don't have a telescope or any written material or guides or anything related to space...so any suggestions will be of...
  27. CarlB

    Gravity Essay Contest Results in; amateur recognized

    This year's gravity essay contest results are in: http://www.gravityresearchfoundation.org/announcements.html The five winning papers are published in the International Journal of Modern Physics D: http://www.worldscinet.com/cgi-bin/details.cgi?id=jsname:ijmpd&type=all along with...
  28. I

    Can Quantum Mechanics Explain Particle Behavior in Video Games?

    So I was watching the NOVA special, The Elegant Universe(and omg is it elegant), and they were talking about quantuum mechanics. Specifically what sparked the train of thought that I am about to detail was that in QM there is the certain possibility that a particle might actually travel through...
  29. cronxeh

    Amateur Radio: Lurking Frequencies & Conversations in NY

    So I did a little search and I can't seem to find any threads regarding amateur radio. Is anyone a ham out there and what frequencies do you lurk at and where? I'm a new ham, don't know why I decided to get into it but timing seems to be about right with new radios like Yaesu VX-8R and many...
  30. R

    Fermat's Last Theorem: an amateur proof

    Below is the address of an attempted proof of FLT that I have not been able to find a flaw in. It works by increasing x, y, and z by a common integer factor so that, if x^p +y^p = z^p, with x + y = a^p and z - y = b^p, then (z/a) = (x/b)^((1 + 1/(p-1)) (mod g), with g a prime factor of y that...
  31. J

    Medical Amateur boxing and brain damage

    I use to box in the amateurs (my last fight was April 5th). I stopped boxing due to losing motivation, getting bored, etc, but I've missed it a lot over the past few months and am thinking of getting back into it. I don't plan to go pro or anything. Also, I will be starting university for math...
  32. A

    Help with resistors / Amateur Project

    Ok, just a warning... I'm an amateur engineer... I do things as a hobby (computer programmer by trade) Anyways, Here's what I'm doing: I'm trying to mod a guitar cabinet with LED lights that pulse with the music. I want to power it from the signal that comes into the speakers from the power...
  33. S

    The Mystery of Time Travel: A Keen Amateur's Question | Physics Help

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if you clever chaps could help me out. I am very interested in physics i only wish i was clever enough to do my degree in it but never mind. Anyway i try and pick up on what i can i was just looking into time travel recently and i have a problem getting my head...
  34. G

    Thoughts (of an amateur) on the Solution to the Twin Paradox

    Hello, All. I found this forum through a google search. This post could have been attached to the thread started by Bob Guerico on 09-Jan-08, but I felt it would be better to start a new thread. I've been reading about SR and GR for about a year now. I've been through several iterations of "I...
  35. Ivan Seeking

    The Cult of the Amateur: How today's internet is killing our culture

    "The Cult of the Amateur: How today's internet is killing our culture" http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/media/july-dec07/internet_09-17.html streaming...
  36. E

    Amateur Physicist's Breakthrough: How To Make It Known?

    Let's pretend that an amateur physicist makes a major breakthrough. How would he "get the word out"? What difficulties would be faced? How would you proceed if it were you?
  37. D

    Becoming an amateur mathematician?

    I'm a third year CS/AI student. I love computer science but I also love mathematics and I sometimes wish that I studied maths outright or at least did a CS/maths joint degree. As part of my degree, I've had to study two years of maths, as well as be able to pick further "theoretical courses"...
  38. M

    How to publish if you are an amateur?

    How and where can an amateur like me hope to propose an article for the publication. Let me dream. Beside this, thanks for the help. Or tell me quickly if I only must stay in the neighborrough of my dreams.
  39. S

    Amateur Questions on How Cells 'Read' DNA

    So, if DNA is supposed to be the code, or language by which our body, or our cells figure out what to do where and such. I guess I'm asking how do the cells know what the DNA is saying to them? What chemical stuff is going on that let's them 'read' the DNA and act appropriately. And wouldn't...
  40. E

    Does an Object in a Vacuum Accelerate Indefinitely?

    okay, so i have two questions. the first one is, since there is no terminal velocity in a vacuum (this is true, right?), would an object continue to accelerate indefinitely? or is there some other force that would stop the acceleration at some point? also, since symmetry dictates that a body...
  41. Ivan Seeking

    Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) and Amateur Radio

  42. N

    What can (US) amateur astronomers do to help save Hubble?

    If you are a US citizen, and wish to add your voice to those who want to save Hubble, you may be interested in http://skyandtelescope.com/news/article_1200_1.asp
  43. recon

    Finding the Right Amateur Movie-Making Software for My Project

    I recently used Windows Movie Maker in editing an 8-minute long movie I made for my class project on Mount Everest. Most of you may know that Windows Movie Maker is very basic and performs only the most rudimentary functions. I am new to the world of amateur movie making, so could anyone...
  44. chroot

    Amateur astronomer finds new nebula

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3479615.stm Wicked cool! I'm always very proud to hear of amateurs making serious scientific contributions! - Warren