Recent content by Velcroe

  1. V

    I Prove a(b-c)=ab-ac: Is It Enough?

    Thanks so much for your help. That makes a lot of sense.
  2. V

    I Prove a(b-c)=ab-ac: Is It Enough?

    Sorry let me fix it. Prove a(b-c)=ab-ac let x=b-c existence of subtraction (axiom) x+c=b (part of the subtraction axiom) a[(x+c)-c] substitution which is never spelled out but used repeatedly in books proofs so I assume its allowed a[x+(c-c)] associative property axiom a[x+0] existence of...
  3. V

    I Prove a(b-c)=ab-ac: Is It Enough?

    I am currently working my way though Calculus by Tom Apostol. One of the really early proofs ask the reader to prove: a(b-c)=ab-ac. Here is what I did, I let x=b-c which by the definition of subtraction equals x+c=b. Substituting that value into the right hand side I got...
  4. V

    B Couple geometry/trigonometry questions

    Actually my mistake in quoting the question. It actually states"... may be drawn the the three vertices of any triangle". Sorry about that don't know how I mistyped that. Fixed my original question.
  5. V

    B Couple geometry/trigonometry questions

    That makes sense, so the answer to Gelfand question quoted above would just be 5. Seems like the question is too easy which is why I asked my question in the first place. Well thank you for your response.
  6. V

    B Couple geometry/trigonometry questions

    I am reading Gelfand's Trigonometry. In one of the questions he asks: "We know from geometry that a circle may be drawn through the three vertices of any triangle. Find the radius of such a circle if the sides of the triangle are 6,8, and 10." My first question is, I know that if the diameter...