Recent content by Tesla In Person

  1. Tesla In Person

    Phase difference RLC circuit

    I'm doing this question to prepare for exams but i got stuck here. Because it's not in standard complex form, i don't know how to find angle theta. I could rationalize the denominator but i might end up with a messier expression.
  2. Tesla In Person

    Phase difference RLC circuit

    For a parallel RLC circuit, I have found the complex impedance to be 1/ (1/R -j(1/wL +wC)) . I need to find the phase difference between the voltage and current in the circuit. I know it's given by tan^-1(im(z)/re(z)) but how do I do it here as the expression is a fraction?
  3. Tesla In Person

    I Pulley question -- Three pulleys lifting a mass...

    Hi, I have this pulley question, i have to find the force F that needs to be applied to the string to keep the system in equilibrium. I found 150N. Is it correct? T_1= 300N and T_2=150N so F is 150N.
  4. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    I'm wondering if we had another string connected to m2 like I've shown in the diagram we would have to introduce another tension T3? And that tension would depend on the mass m2 only or It would be affected by the tensions T1 and T2 and we would get some other value? Because if I work out the...
  5. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    But for a one pulley and 2 masses system in equilibrium, if the 2 masses are different, we still have the same tension? So that only applies to this example where the tensions are equal in magnitude if the masses 1 and 3 are equal.
  6. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    sum of forces on m1 = ma so T1 - m1g = 0 T1 = m1g and T2=m2g.
  7. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    The system is in equilibrium.
  8. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    forces in y direction must be balanced i.e m2g= t1 cos a1 + t2 cos a2. the tensions are reversed in my FBD, t1 is on the left and t2 on the right.
  9. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    Here's the figure with all the forces, t1 is same on either side of pulley(I'm treating it as if it was a 2 mass system so tension is the same on both sides) and t2 same on either side for the second pulley. That's what I did initially. I'm not sure if it's correct.
  10. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    there are 3 forces acting on m2 , t1 t2 and it's weight. I'm not sure if t1 and t2 are equal or not. That's why i posted this question. I know for a single pulley system, the tension is the same on both sides but here we have 2 pullies and 3 masses.
  11. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    ok so we have 2 different values for T in this case? Sorry I'm new to this website.
  12. Tesla In Person

    2 pullies and 3 masses -Tension

    Hi, If i have a system that consists of 2 pullies and 3 masses, what is the tension on each part of the string? I know that for 2 masses hanging on either side of a pulley, the tension is the same. But for 3 masses, and 2 ideal pullies(no friction) and inextensible string, is tension the same...
  13. Tesla In Person

    Find the Height of a Building by dropping a ball from the top

    Thank you all for helping me out, I've wasted so much time on this question ...
  14. Tesla In Person

    Find the Height of a Building by dropping a ball from the top

    Hi, I have this kinematics question I am struggling with. There is a building from which a ball is dropped and it takes 5 second to reach the ground. Then they say that the same building is on a planet w/o atmosphere where g= 6 m/s^2 . What is the height of the building ? I approached this...