Recent content by substitute materials

  1. substitute materials

    I Asymmetry in Length contraction?

    So the problem is synchronizing clocks to define the beginning of the travelers journey, yes? In Ibis' 2 planet example we can use the passing of the distant planet as the starting point, but we will disagree about when that happened, correct? If we extend the buoy from Nugatory's response to...
  2. substitute materials

    I Asymmetry in Length contraction?

    Instead of a twin paradox, let’s just consider an inbound starship approaching Earth at relativistic speed. The traveler is on a flyby mission, he will never change speed or direction. We will disagree with the traveler on how much time will have elapsed when he passes Earth. The discrepancy can...
  3. substitute materials

    I Universe younger and faster than thought

    The method that was explained to me measures the sound horizon of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the CMB. Basically, the sound horizon shows us the scale on which inhomogeneities formed in the early universe, which should correspond to the spatial separation of galaxies in the modern...
  4. substitute materials

    I Relationship between Energy density and Curvature

    Ok think I've got it. Thanks all!
  5. substitute materials

    I Relationship between Energy density and Curvature

    What you both seem to be saying is that any form of energy that doesn't dilute as volume changes will exert negative pressure, yes? Shrinking a container with matter in it will do work on it, but not so with a container filled with dark energy. So this means that work is done on the universe by...
  6. substitute materials

    I Relationship between Energy density and Curvature

    interesting, I didn't realize that this would be true. I realize you are trying to explain this without referring to pressure Kimbyd, but I'm getting stuck on it. I think I understand that the matter in our particular universe has a pressure dictated by H- a sort of momentum in no direction...
  7. substitute materials

    I Relationship between Energy density and Curvature

    I think I get this, I understand the balancing act of rate of expansion and gravitation in a matter dominated world. As you have said elsewhere on the site Kimbyd, it is a good analogy to escape velocity. I can see how this would only be stable, remaining flat, if the mass/energy were perfectly...
  8. substitute materials

    I Relationship between Energy density and Curvature

    I think I have a question which is very similar, so I won't start a new thread: Dark Energy does 2 things in lambdaCDM as I understand it. First it provides a repulsive force that is accelerating the expansion of the universe, and secondly it constitutes the missing energy to bring the density...
  9. substitute materials

    Automotive How does AC temperature control work in my Toyota Camry?

    As far as I understand, the simple blue-to-red temperature knob is just controlling the flow of hot engine coolant into the passenger compartment heater core. That heater core and the AC evaporator are in the same airstream with the same blower, so when you turn on the AC and then turn the...
  10. substitute materials

    Automotive How does AC temperature control work in my Toyota Camry?

    Another option I like is to use when it is just slightly too warm is the defrost setting, which cycles the AC on a timer to provide dehumidification, in my old subaru outback its on for ~10 seconds then off for 10 seconds. This probably wears out the clutch on the AC compressor though...
  11. substitute materials

    Automotive How does AC temperature control work in my Toyota Camry?

    I have operated under the assumption that since there is no temperature sensor in my car either, it is simply mixing warm air to achieve the desired temperature, and thus not saving any fuel to move the temperature control towards warmer. Like Chemair said, the compressor does cycle, but this is...
  12. substitute materials

    Artificial gravity in a rotating space station

    That's the fundamental insight I was missing. I can see why it is the case. Thanks!
  13. substitute materials

    Artificial gravity in a rotating space station

    The Gravitron is a fixture from my county fair childhood- just the thought experiment of moving around in there makes me queasy. I never had the right stuff. I remember hurling from it, though thankfully not inside the gravitron itself- my lunch came up on the cool down lap on the pirate ship!
  14. substitute materials

    Artificial gravity in a rotating space station

    My ability to work with vectors is poor I'll admit, but the simple answer seems to be no, right? It is not possible to make Ac zero by changing the angular velocity over time. And would this take into account the possibility of rotation around a separate axis, such as spinning around the radius...
  15. substitute materials

    Artificial gravity in a rotating space station

    It is often proposed that gravity could be simulated on a space station by rotating around an axis, such that the astronaut experiences the centripetal force of the space station wall, analogously to gravity. It is usually mentioned that the radius of rotation must be very large to avoid...