Recent content by Spathi

  1. S

    Can quantum mechanics be combined with game theory?

    Now I try to understand the second example from the article, firstly the classical version too. I can't paste correct symbols here. What means modulo 2 - the remainer of the devision by 2 (0 mod 2 =0, 1 mod 2 =1, 2 mod 2=0, etc)? Then it is unclear for me, why in the tables the strings 0 mod 2...
  2. S

    Can quantum mechanics be combined with game theory?

    I try to uderstand the article about quantum pseudotelepathy: Currently I don't understand the point. If their task is to simply name three bits each, why can’t they, if the judge tells them the third row and the third column, name the option not based on this picture, but so that everything...
  3. S

    Can quantum mechanics be combined with game theory?

    I suppose, the concept that in the Wigner's friend experiment a superposition of two universes is created, is mainstream in the scientific community? Since the superposition of the Schrödinger's cat occurs due to the superposition of a radioactive decay device or a beamsplitter, the Secretary...
  4. S

    Can quantum mechanics be combined with game theory?

    The refs are nice, I'll study all this later, but for now I would like to formulate my idea (in my opinion it is quite simple). Imagine that it is 2200 year now. A cobalt bomb has been developed that can destroy the entire Earth if used anywhere (i.e., the user will also die). Many countries...
  5. S

    Can quantum mechanics be combined with game theory?

    An example of a situation which can be studied by the game theory is the Truel: One example of this game was described in a book of Martin Gardner. The shooters A, B, C have chosen a truel. A never misses, B hits 80% of the time, C hits 50% of the time. In...
  6. S

    Can quantum mechanics be combined with game theory?

    The Game of Chicken illustrates cases where people can win through "rational irrationality": This is an explanation of the politics of Kim Jong Un and Putin, and my idea is that in the quantum reality the civilized world can find solutions against...
  7. S

    Can quantum mechanics be combined with game theory?

    The game theory is broadly used in planning a strategy for a nuclear war. Two pics from Web googled:
  8. S

    Can quantum mechanics be combined with game theory?

    I suppose, anybody here knows about the Elitzur–Vaidman bomb tester and the counterfactual definiteness:–Vaidman_bomb_tester I have a question: can this experiment be performed at the level of...
  9. S

    I Mathematical basics of quantum mechanics

    I have checked the solution. Again, we have this SE: $$\frac{d^2 \psi(X)}{dX^2}+(2n+1) \psi(X)-X^2 \psi(X)=0$$ $$X=x/ \alpha$$ For solving it, it is convenient to use g(x): $$\psi(X)=g(X) e^{-X^2/2}$$ The sulution is as follows: $$g_n(X)=(-1)^n e^{x^2} \frac{d^n}{dx^n}(e^{-X^2/2})$$...
  10. S

    Difference between symbionts and parasites

    It is generally accepted that organisms that help the host are symbionts, and those that harm are parasites. I suggest to discuss, how arbitrary is the line between them; can it be that parasites often help the host a little, while symbionts do harm a little. If this assumption is incorrect, it...
  11. S

    I Mathematical basics of quantum mechanics

    I am continuing watching Dave (harmonic oscillator): This blog provides a relatively convenient format, although I am afraid the author can produce errors. We have SE: $$-\frac{\hbar}{2m}\frac{d^2 \psi(x)}{dx^2}+\frac{1}{2}k x^2 \psi(x)-E \psi(x)=0$$ For convenience we change x to X...
  12. S

    I Mathematical basics of quantum mechanics

    I have found an error in Dave’s video: Trying to calculate all myself by his formula: $$\frac{C^2}{A^2}=(1+\frac{\sinh^2(k_b a)}{4 \eta(1-\eta)})^{-1}$$ $$\eta=\frac{E}{U_0}$$ $$k_b=\frac{\sqrt{2m (U_0 - E)}}{\hbar}=\frac{\sqrt{2m U_0 (1- \eta)}}{\hbar}$$We have the barrier height $$0.4...
  13. S

    I Mathematical basics of quantum mechanics

    I am continuing watching Dave's videos, in particular about the barrier: Here are his formulas:$$\psi (x)=A e^{i k_0 x}+B e^{-i k_0 x}$$ For x<0 $$\psi (x)=C e^{i k_0 x}$$ For x>a $$\psi (x)=F e^{k_b x}+F e^{-k_b x}$$ For 0<x<a $$k_0=\frac{\sqrt{2m E}}{\hbar}$$ $$k_b=\frac{\sqrt{2m...
  14. S

    What do large moles on the body indicate?

    I have a mole of a diameter approximately 1.5 cm on my back. Should I ask a doctor whether this is can be something bad?
  15. S

    I Mathematical basics of quantum mechanics

    I still don' understand. If the potential is zero, we have $$\psi (x)=A e^{-i k x}+B e^{i k x}$$ As far as I understand, the A term means that the particle moves from left to right, the B that it moves from right to left. For a particle in a box, as far as I understand, we have both terms...