Recent content by ShadowKraz

  1. ShadowKraz

    Writing: Input Wanted "Spacetime Drive" idea for sci-fi series of shorts

    Could moderator/admin shut this thread down, please? Thank you.
  2. ShadowKraz

    How do fetuses breathe in the womb?

    No. What do you think it means?
  3. ShadowKraz

    Writing: Input Wanted "Spacetime Drive" idea for sci-fi series of shorts

    Part of my thinking is that it does matter. If it did not matter in any story, why not just have everything happen here on Earth in your living room? Different environments prompt different responses, physically, psychologically, and genetically. Also, no, I don't have any of those characters...
  4. ShadowKraz

    How do fetuses breathe in the womb?

    No, I'm not, I'm saying we simply do not have the data to know for certain that we aren't going to make a major mistake, maybe even quite a few. And, no, I haven't overlooked 'natural breeding' programs. They are also a big risk for mistake due to insufficient knowledge. I didn't mention them as...
  5. ShadowKraz

    Writing: Input Wanted "Spacetime Drive" idea for sci-fi series of shorts

    This is one of the issues I have with most sci-fi wormhole based drives and part of what my overall plot involves; "where the heck are we???" Also, I may be misunderstanding 'congruent'. AS I understand it, it means that two objects, point, triangles, what have you, can and do occupy the same...
  6. ShadowKraz

    How do fetuses breathe in the womb?

    The only problem I have with genetic engineering is that our species doesn't take the time to think things all the way through, but instead stops thinking when we have an answer we like (for whatever reason). Granted, we don't usually have all the information that might make our thinking better...
  7. ShadowKraz

    How do fetuses breathe in the womb?

    Not just mammals either. I wonder how much of evolution has been due to co-opting such as this and how much is from mutation of existing genes.
  8. ShadowKraz

    B Could you use the Moon to reflect sunlight onto a solar sail?

    I don't know how I missed this comment earlier... Arthur C. Clarke wrote a short story, Sunjammer, based around the idea of racing light-sail spacecraft much like the America's Cup races. Even included some suggestions on the designs of the various light-sails used, using your light-sail to...
  9. ShadowKraz

    Writing: Input Wanted "Spacetime Drive" idea for sci-fi series of shorts

    I had an idea about a spacetime drive that *seems* as though it is an FTL drive while trying to outline a plot for a series of sci-fi short stories set in the late 22nd-early 23rd century (possibly later as well). Instead of working with warping space ala Star Trek or utilizing a hyperdrive to...
  10. ShadowKraz

    I Two recent tests of loop quantum gravity theory

    It seems the OP is more confused, possibly on a higher level, about these things than I am.
  11. ShadowKraz

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    I think sbrothy was trying to indicate that the "purple people needing to breath (sic) less" would have their metabolism based on photosynthesis or something very similar; CO2 breathers rather than O. And, btw, it is very difficult to breathe on Mats if you are being pinned by a bigger wrestler...
  12. ShadowKraz

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    Again, you are misrepresenting my thoughts with your unfounded assumptions. I do not have faith that they are going to arrive some day. None. I do hope that we will receive indication of life elsewhere in this galaxy but I'm not so stupid as to think it MUST exist. As I will not engage with you...
  13. ShadowKraz

    B Will we ever communicate with extraterrestial life in a reasonable time frame?

    That sort of reasoning argues against spending ANY money/resources on ANY scientific research. And don't misrepresent me hoping I'll cave and give you a win; I am NOT suggesting a massive outlay with an infinitesimally smaller chance of winning simply because I'm not making a thin air assumption...