Recent content by seonjunyoo

  1. seonjunyoo

    B I wonder about a particle's energy when mass is obtained or lost

    According to Einstein's formula, energy is generated when mass is obtained or lost. What does losing or gaining mass mean for an atom or particle valence? It's simply because of the formula I don't want this kind of answer I want. What does it mean for an atom or particle to lose or gain mass...
  2. seonjunyoo

    B I have a question about energy & ignoring friction losses

    If the energy itself ignores loss resistance friction and the energy moves forward, can infinity go far at a constant speed?
  3. seonjunyoo

    B I have a question regarding temperature and the kinetic energy of molecules

    Does the high temperature increase the kinetic energy of molecules or atoms, or does the high kinetic energy of atoms or molecules increase the temperature ? I'm so curious about this. Which concept is more accurate between the two