Recent content by red65

  1. red65

    Very confused about Naunyn definition of acid and base

    First so that you can have some background I'd like to share an excerpt from the online lecture I'm studying. Here's a sample: "1880-Arrhenius defines an acid as a substance that , when dissolved in water, produces an increased concentration of hydrogen ions. 1900-Naunyn combines Arrhenius'...
  2. red65

    Why do we use a gradient in centrifugation?

    you previously said "We put in a homogeneous solution of CsCl" , which suggests that the concentration of CsCl is the same anywhere in the solution, well if CsCl is way denser than water, you can continuously mix the solution so that it stays homogeneous
  3. red65

    Why do we use a gradient in centrifugation?

    why would a gradient form, shouldn't all molecules of CsCl assume the location corresponding to their density, and why would it be more convenient to have a gradient in centrifugation?
  4. red65

    Why do we use a gradient in centrifugation?

    Why do we use a gradient of ions(Caesium chloride )in centrifugation, I expect if we add in a test tube the molecule that we want to know its density and a gradient of caesium chloride, that the caesium chloride will accumulate in the region that corresponds to its density so as our molecule...
  5. red65

    I Why do we use low-coherence light in Optical Coherence Tomography?

    Hello , I study the principles of optical coherence tomography, where we emit light and by the refraction that we detect we reconstruct and image, but I don't understand why we use low coherence light , if i want to measure the refracted light i would prefer to have coherent light so that the...
  6. red65

    B Concerning the birthday problem in probability

    The problem is stated like this : There are k people in a room. Assume each person’s birthday is equally likely to be any of the 365 days of the year (we exclude February 29), and that people’s birthdays are independent (we assume there are no twins in the room). What is the probability that two...
  7. red65

    Medical Is Renin an enzyme or a hormone?

    Hello everyone, renin is mentioned sometimes as a hormone and others as an enzyme, is it both? can anyone tell me the final answer?
  8. red65

    Medical Why do we say basolateral membrane and not basal?

    Hello everyone, I am studying the physiology of the kidneys and in all of the textbooks they say basolateral membrane referring to the basal membrane, does anyone know why we don't just say basal membrane?
  9. red65

    Medical Exploring Blood Pressure: Measuring Hydrostatic Pressure?

    Hello everyone, concerning blood pressure , we know that the pressure exerted by moving fluid has two components: a dynamic, flowing component that represents the kinetic energy of the system, and a lateral component that represents the hydrostatic pressure (potential energy) exerted on the...
  10. red65

    B The law of total probability with extra conditioning

    Hello, I am studying probability and came across this theorem, it's the law of total probability with extra conditioning, I tried to work out a proof but couldn't ,does anyone know the proof for this : thanks!
  11. red65

    B Where is the error in my reasoning about palindromes?

    Hello everyone, I found this problem online about probability, for me, I think that to have a 2 letter palindrome is less likely because we need to have the same letter in the 2 places which gives us 26 possibilities (aa , bb, cc ....) however for words with 3 letters we have 26 possibilities...
  12. red65

    B About the naive definition of probability

    ok, thanks a lot!
  13. red65

    B About the naive definition of probability

    hello, I took an introductory course about statistics, we viewed the naive definition of probability which says "it requires equally likely outcomes and can't handle an infinite sample space ", I understood that it requires finite sample space but I didn't understand "equally likely outcomes "...