Recent content by rdjohns12

  1. R

    Power Line Losses: Trivial Problem, Confusing Answer

    This problem is trivial, but I cannot make sense of my answer (I am not even going to bother with the cost calculation. First, I used P=IV with P=15 MW and V=120 V to find I=125 kA So far so good. Then I calculated the resistance per meter as R=\rho\ell/A=(1.68\times 10^8\Omega\cdot...
  2. R

    Electrostatic Induction in Metals vs Insulators

    If we have a small dielectric sphere and a point charge, they will experience an attractive force due to electrostatic induction. (From the elongation/rotation of charges bound to individual atoms). Likewise, if we have a small metallic sphere and a point charge, they will experience an...