Recent content by Rafaelmado

  1. Rafaelmado

    A Energy Levels and Wave Functions of Identical Particle Systems

    a) Find the energy levels of the ground state and the first excited state. b) Find the wave functions (in the coordinate representation) of the ground state and the first excited state. Hints: For a particle of mass m in a harmonic potential of angular frequency ω, the energy of the particle in...
  2. Rafaelmado

    A Symmetry & Invariance of Pions: π+, π0, π− and Other Mesons Explained

    Pions are particles with spin 0 and they form an isospin triplet: π+, π0, π− (with the superscript indicating the electric charge). Their intrinsic parity is −1 and they are pseudoscalar mesons. In nature we also find other kind of mesons, like the ρ mesons, ρ+, ρ0 and ρ−. As pions, they also...