Recent content by phoenix95

  1. P

    A Why electromagnetic tensor (Faraday 2-form) is exact? (and not closed)

    Thanks for the reply. I understood that. But as much as I know, not all closed forms are exact (although all exact forms are closed). So is there a specific reason why we always write F=dA? In other words, just because it is closed why do we expect it to be exact? In your answer, you wrote F=dA...
  2. P

    A Why electromagnetic tensor (Faraday 2-form) is exact? (and not closed)

    Following from Wikipedia, the covariant formulation of electromagnetic field involves postulating an electromagnetic field tensor(Faraday 2-form) F such that F=dA where A is a 1-form, which makes F an exact differential form. However, is there any specific reason for expecting F to be exact...
  3. P

    B Understanding thermodynamic equilibrium

    When I was thinking of the example above, I thought that the primary means of heat exchange between the said bodies would be through radiation (of course, conduction and convection were possible, but the focus of my study is the radiative heat transfer). And I thought that the photons would...
  4. P

    B Understanding thermodynamic equilibrium

    My thermodynamics is rusty and my current endeavors demand me to wield it, so here we go: I need a good starting point and/or references to study physical systems in thermodynamic equilibrium. Any references which address the fluid mechanics perspective of said systems are welcome too. Let me...
  5. P

    B Energy loss in the beam of LHC

    My apologies for replying late. I forgot about the thread after that answer from @mfb which I thought was good enough. Let me just make some remarks. Sometimes when I have a question, it is not obligated to receive an answer by any means; it could very well be possible that the question was...
  6. P

    B Energy loss in the beam of LHC

    Isn't it true that there would always be quantum fluctuations? Virtual particles-antiparticle pairs being created and annihilated, or was I wrong when I assumed (at least implicitly) that "the beam can interact with the quantum fluctuations/virtual particles"? I think my main confusion here is...
  7. P

    B Energy loss in the beam of LHC

    Generally, one would expect the beam to lose its content (energy or particles) if it hits anything before its reaching its target. The whole idea of maintaining (conventional) vacuum using pumps or other means is to minimize that loss. But is it possible that there could be a beam loss purely...
  8. P

    I Tell me how scientific journals scrutinize statistical work

    I have been reading statistics for a while (I am a physics major but also a stat-enthusiast), and one of the topics that drew my attention was the misrepresentation, or to be precise, misinterpretation of the data. This came up while reading about Simpson's paradox and the likes. When I see...
  9. P

    A Questions about magnetic monopoles

    I think I figured out the answers to my question: SU(3) of the color, doesn't intrinsically carry an electromagnetic charge. Or to put it more appropriately: The electromagnetic charge is constructed from flavor generators of SU(3) and not color. But the flavor symmetry is explicitly broken...
  10. P

    A Questions about magnetic monopoles

    So far as I know there are no monopoles in the electro-weak sector of standard model. So people look for it in the GUT and SUSY sectors. However, they are predicted to be heavy(order of Planck mass). There have been studies from LHC attempting to detect monopoles. So here are my questions: 1...
  11. P

    Other I had an Idea that wasn't as impressive as I thought it was, Comments?

    While doing homework about a week ago, I had an idea to solve a problem that was arguably better than the conventional method. It involved a slightly different look at math objects, resulting in a much simpler calculation. As far as I know, I haven't seen any textbook or paper that uses this...
  12. P

    A First order formalism of Polyakov action

    In the notes of Arutyunov, he writes down the equation of Polyakov action in what he calls a first-order formalism(equation 3.19). But here I did not understand how he got this equation. Can someone help? Moreover, can someone explain how he got the constraints in equation 3.25? And why they...
  13. P

    A Questions about representation theory of Lie algebra

    Actually this was sufficient(and I understood the rest as well), thank you very much for your time.
  14. P

    A Questions about representation theory of Lie algebra

    I understand now. The confusion was that I thinking that the representation space V always has the same dimensions as n in SU(n). I didn't think that there can be higher-dimensional V or even lower ones. I have one more question: The dimension of V, it has to be either equal or more than the n...
  15. P

    A Questions about representation theory of Lie algebra

    I have confusions about representation theory. In the following questions, I will try to express it as best as possible. For this thread say representation is given as ρ: L → GL(V) where L is the Lie group(or symmetry group for a physicist) GL(V) is the general linear...