Recent content by Omega Force

  1. O

    A What is the maximal comoving distance that a space probe can reach?

    What is the maximal comoving distance that a probe can reach depending on its speed? If the probe travels at light speed, the maximal comoving distance that it can reach is 5 Mpc, which is called the cosmic event horizon. But what if it travels at some other speed?
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    Is having a surname beginning with “A” a big advantage? (journal article authors)

    This paper proves that having a surname which begins with an “A” is a big advantage in the field of economics. In economics, authors are ordered purely alphabetically, and having a...
  3. O

    Is having a surname beginning with “A” a big advantage? (journal article authors)

    From what I read in many different articles (not specifically related to astronomy): Most of the time people who read a paper only read the first one, two or three authors and ignore all the other authors. Most of the time for promotion through the tenure track only first author contributions...
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    Is having a surname beginning with “A” a big advantage? (journal article authors)

    I read that in some fields the authors of research papers are ordered alphabetically, and therefore having a surname with the letter “A” may give us an advantage since we would be among the first authors (and the first authors get more recognition than the others). Is having a surname which...
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    A What are the most common programming languages in astro?

    Hello. What are the most common programming languages that are used by astrophysicists who work in the following fields: radio astronomy, SETI, signal detection, signal processing, exobiology, exoplanetology, solar system astronomy and stellar astronomy? If possible, please sort the languages...
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    Best domains of astronomy to contact super-advanced E.T.?

    I didn't create my thread in the "Academic Guidance" Forum. I created it in the "Astronomy and Astrophysics" Forum, and I believe that it would have been better there since this question is very specific and can only be answered by astrophysicists. Also, saying that it's not a good career...
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    Best domains of astronomy to contact super-advanced E.T.?

    Hello.If one’s goal was to contact a technologically superior extraterrestrial being (or a group of beings, or a civilization), which domain(s) of astronomy should one specialize in precisely?1) Which type of astronomy should one specialize in? Computational astronomy Experimental astronomy...
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    Average time per week early-career academics in the US work?

    Hello. I've got two questions: 1) In the U.S., what's the average time per week that a graduate student doing a PhD in astronomy work? 2) In the U.S., what's the average time per week that a postdoctoral researcher in astronomy work? Thanks in advance for your answers.
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    On your CV, should you mention your BS/MS if you have a PhD?

    I would have thought that at a certain point in your life when you become old enough you would have too many things to put on your CV and so you would need to remove the useless things like the fact that you have a B.S. : if you have a PhD it's obvious that you also have a B.S., and since your...
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    On your CV, should you mention your BS/MS if you have a PhD?

    Hi, On your CV, should you mention your B.S. and/or M.S. if you have a PhD? Thanks in advance for your answers.
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    In astronomy what is the average duration of doing postdocs?

    I also wondered about this: Suppose that your parents were rich and provided you with more than enough money to live for as long as you wanted, which means that you have no pressure to quit your postdocs to get a job in a different field than astronomy in order to earn more money. Would it be...
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    In astronomy what is the average duration of doing postdocs?

    Hello. I read that in astronomy a PhD lasts an average of 6.1 years. But what about postdoctoral research? In astronomy, what is the average duration of doing postdocs before finally getting a real job? (a job as an astronomer; not reconverting to another field to get a job in this other...
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    Schools Which are the best American universities for astronomy?

    Hello. I'm a French student and I'm planning to go to the United States for a graduate program in astronomy. When I will arrive in the U.S. I will begin by the first year of graduate. Then I will pursue with a Ph.D. and some postdoctoral research. I would like to know which are the best...
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    Which laptop operating system do astronomers most often use?

    Hello. Currently I'm in my third year of university. I would like to work in the field of observational astronomy (not so much theoretical astronomy). In about two weeks I'm going to buy a new laptop portable computer in the 2000€ range. Firstly I was thinking to buy a Microsoft Windows PC...