Recent content by MeneerM

  1. M

    Polarity Reversal: Why Is Voltage of Right Source Negative?

    You're awesome, I finally start to understand it! I still got one last question: I concluded in my last post In which situation does this occur? I have learned that the positives terminal of a source is always the high potential side and it therefore "pushes" the positive charge AWAY. Or are...
  2. M

    Polarity Reversal: Why Is Voltage of Right Source Negative?

    Do I understand it correctly if I say that the positive or negative voltage of the voltage source (or any other sources) just indicate the polarity and therefore which direction the positive charge want to flow? And is it correct if I conclude that the positive or negative voltage and polarity...
  3. M

    Polarity Reversal: Why Is Voltage of Right Source Negative?

    Homework Statement Why is the voltage of the right source negative? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I learned that a circuit element is positive or negative, because of the terminal with respectively the highest or lowest voltage. So, if the positive terminal has a lower...