Recent content by Megatronlol

  1. M

    I can't figure out what resistance values to use....

    I started an electronics program recently and I am a month into it so I am quite new at this. I have a problem involving a potentiometer and I don't understand how to compute the voltages because I don't know what I am supposed to use for my resistance values. I know that in series the total...
  2. M

    B Time Dilation: "Did I Use Formula Correctly?

    Can you elaborate? I think I worded it poorly. I know that from either frame of reference 1 second is 1 second, but how does one frame experience "more time" than the other?
  3. M

    B Time Dilation: "Did I Use Formula Correctly?

    Hi, We are not learning this in class, but I am giving a presentation on special relativity and as part of my presentation I would like to show that time is not absolute and that if a ship moves away from the Earth for a time t at a speed v then if like 8 years pass on board the ship a greater...
  4. M

    B Archimedes principle and the density of a rock

    I think that I understand what you mean, but I am still struggling to grasp it a little. Thank you for confirming.
  5. M

    B Archimedes principle and the density of a rock

    Hi, so I have a problem that I am working on and I think that I understand Archimedes principle but the density that I am calculating is just absurd. The problem is as follows: "A geologist finds that a moon rock whose mass is 9.28 kg has an apparent mass of 6.18 kg when submerged in water...
  6. M

    Can Aliens Evolve as Robots on Earth?

    I think you need to refine your definition of robot in this case. I wonder if it could be possible for metallic lifeforms to evolve? Their inner workings wouldn't consist of computers, because computers don't arise naturally, they're obviously the result of intelligent life. Their bodies may...
  7. M

    Young's Double Slit Experiment science fair

    Just out of curiosity, what material are you using as a screen to capture the interference pattern with?