Recent content by mandril

  1. M

    Predicting Nuclear Spin with Shell Model: How is it Calculated and Validated?

    Yes, defenetly. In "close to magic numbers" nuclei, one can use the shell model to predict spin and parity of ground states, using pairing techniques. For example, a double magic nuclei, surely has 0+, because all it neutrons and protons are paired, and closing shells. If you add one neutron...
  2. M

    History Modern view: a history of science?

    Hello everyone: Im doing a research on the history of "modern" physics theories (namely relativity and quantum) trying to understand its role in a more general historic proceses that gave raise to a whole explostion of cultural development (from psicology, to cinema, with artistic vangards and...
  3. M

    Unexplained Experiments for new physics

    Ok then, we have dark matter, and dark energy. Althoug am working in dark matter issues, It would be better if someone else explaind the actuall problem, so I keep the my own bias out of the description. Maybe nrqed could help. Are you interested in a very short description in this topic?
  4. M

    Unexplained Experiments for new physics

    It seem that internal conflicts in theoretical explanation are not good enougth to change the present state of phisics. That is, even dought we have chargeless, spinless, massless photons, or colored quarks, or dark matter an energy, entities of which we know very little more than the fact that...
  5. M

    Building a Basic Robot - Resources & Advice

    Yes. First of all, pick a microcontroller. Microchip's PIC is a nice one. They even send free samples to you. You can also use Motorola chips or any brand you like. Then, learn to program it. Its really more easy than doing it with hardware. Then, look for projects in the web: there are tons of...
  6. M

    Medical Presentation on autism for a class

    To add an element in the discution: we have been talking about phisyological aspects in autism, but, there are also some interstig psycological issues too. For example, in "psycology of names" thay dicoverd that if a couple has a son that dies very young (like before 2 years) and than concive a...
  7. M

    Medical Does the Godel theorm disallow computers with minds?

    Seems to my that incompletness theorem should be interpreted as: no Turin-like machine is able to have an algorithm that has the capability of proving all the theorems within a system (that is, all the logicall consecuenses of the axioms). But, if you think about it, humand mind is also unable...
  8. M

    Medical Catching a Ball: How Our Brains Make Quick Decisions

    I saw a robotic arm that does exactly that: catches a flying ball. It uses Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms to create a very smooth movent, cathing the ball almos as we do it. unfoutunetly I don't have the reference, but am sure that if you look on the web you can find it
  9. M

    Is the Moon there when nobody looks at it?

    I would like to give a sort of personal view (founded in interprtation of modern philosophy) about this issue, that I am developing for a work to get a degree in physics. I belive, that the whole problem has to do with the fact that our mesurments are so precise that we have to give up some...