Recent content by Malwina

  1. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Oh! Nevermind! I misunderstood what the parallel axis theorem refered to. It is not the spin and precession axes that are parallel, but spin about the side of the disc and the spin about the centroid of the disc. The formulas work then, thank you. My new idea is to put the gyroscope at the...
  2. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Generally, I want to calculate the energy loss in the gyroscope overtime. To do that I did the evaluation of the dependency of KE on ωp as haruspex sugested in #14. Now I realized that there might be a problem with the formulas, as I think the spin axis and precession axis are not parallel, but...
  3. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Okay, I understand how the equations for new Torques are derived. Does moment of inertia (I) work analogously, because τ = Iα, so Iz′=Iz Ix′=Ixcosθ+Iycosθ Iy'=Iycosθ-Ixsinθ?
  4. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Thank you for your continued help! I think there is a problem in my calculations, because my internal disc has a different orientation than the one on the attached image. (I also attached a photo of my gyro). That would make the initial axes of both spin and of precession vertical and parallel...
  5. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    I made it up, my project is "how does the energy in a gyroscope change with time" but now I understand why my approach does not give appropriate results. By "end point" do you mean I should assume it is at minimum energy then? I do not understand how I would be able to calculate energy loss...
  6. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Okay, I understand. Would it make sense for me to then record the time after it falls off the structure until the internal spinning stops completely? After this point there would be no KE in the gyro.
  7. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    I did the analysis and I got Emin=0.052J at ω=26.26rad/s and ωp=16.6rad/s so they are as you said of the same order of magnitude. Correct me if I'm wrong: At the very first instant all energy goes to ω and then gradually transfers to ωp. I can make a video of the gyroscope spinning and manually...
  8. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Hi to everyone reading this, I devised the following calculations. Could someone confirm if I understand the subject correctly and if my theoretically predicted angular precession velocity has a reasonable value? In the experiment I measured it to be twice as big. Can this be explained as KE...
  9. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Thank you so much! The readingfeynman article is very helpful
  10. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    One last thing, in my work I need to have a source for the formulas used. I have searched in my textbooks and online ones that I found but I cannot find any that would relate these angular rates in this way. Do you happen to know where I should look for such a source?
  11. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    I understand you used the parallel axis theorem, but I do not get how the diametric axis could be parallel to the principal axis, I thought they were perpendicular?
  12. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Wow! I did just that and on the high friction surface (carpet) it made only 17 turns and on the low friction (glass) it was 41. I think I will re-do the experiment starting the gyroscope at different known energies, as haruspex sugested, to measure the rate at which energy loss occurs.
  13. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    I unfortunately did not. Do you think repeating the experiment and measuring this would be beneficial to my investigation?
  14. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Oh, that's a great idea, thank you so much! Could you be so kind as to explain where you got these formulas from?
  15. Malwina

    Minimal rotational kinetic energy for a gyroscope to precess

    Thanks for the link! I thought the gyroscope eventually fell down because its angular momentum was too small. If it is not the case, what changes in its mechanics between the moment when the gyroscope precesses and the moment when it falls?