Recent content by louislaolu

  1. L

    B Entropy & Information Content: Examining the Difference

    What does entropy in the following sentence means? Does it mean the same as the term "information content" before it? Is entropy more technical a term than information content? He remembered taking a class in information theory as a third-year student in college. The professor had put up two...
  2. L

    Does the absence of the term "valley" make a difference?

    Thank you all for the discussion! The previous sentence is " What the listener of Post disliked the most was seeing the waves that slowly crawled across the display, a visual record of the meaningless noise the listening post picked up from space." Maybe this co-text helps to understand the...
  3. L

    Does the absence of the term "valley" make a difference?

    TL;DR Summary: the peaks and valleys vs. the peaks A. He felt this interminable wave was an abstract view of the universe: one end connected to the endless past, the other to the endless future, and in the middle only the ups and downs of random chance—without life, without pattern, the peaks...
  4. L

    B Which statement is more accurate? (Hubble's redshift vs. Hubble's law)

    :smile: Actually I am trying to figure out why Hubble's redshift was replaced with Hubble's law when the sentence containing the former was translated from Chinese into English.
  5. L

    Techno-scientific terms omitted from translation

    Thank you for the very useful reply!
  6. L

    B Which statement is more accurate? (Hubble's redshift vs. Hubble's law)

    A. The two great cosmological discoveries of this century, Hubble's redshift and the cosmic microwave background, have made the Big Bang theory the most credible theory of the origin of the universe so far. B. The two great cosmological discoveries of this century, Hubble's law and the cosmic...
  7. L

    Techno-scientific terms omitted from translation

    Thanks! The following is an explanation I found: The translator has omitted "visible light interference" and "non-visible light bands" from translation, as the wavelengths of visible light are several orders of magnitude different from those used in radio astronomical observations, and have...
  8. L

    Techno-scientific terms omitted from translation

    TL;DR Summary: Why were the two terms "visible light interference" and "the non-visible spectrum" omitted from the translation? I am doing a contrastive study of a Chinese sci-fi novel and its English translation. The following is a more faithful translation of the original: The initial...
  9. L

    B Quantum Connection vs Entanglement: What's the Difference?

    Thank you for your reply! It helps me a lot.
  10. L

    B Quantum Connection vs Entanglement: What's the Difference?

    Searching Google Scholar also generates some hits,5&q=%22Quantum+Connection%22&scisbd=1
  11. L

    B Quantum Connection vs Entanglement: What's the Difference?

    I actually came across 量子联系 (literally translated as quantum connection ) in the Chinese version of the science fiction The Three Body Problem. It was changed into quantum entanglement in the English version. I am trying to figure out the change.
  12. L

    B Quantum Connection vs Entanglement: What's the Difference?

    Transmission of information by quantum entanglement (the paragraph below Fig 3)
  13. L

    B Quantum Connection vs Entanglement: What's the Difference?

    Thanks a lot! Yes, searching Google for Quantum entanglement gives much more hits.
  14. L

    B Quantum Connection vs Entanglement: What's the Difference? (the paragraph below Fig 3)
  15. L

    B Quantum Connection vs Entanglement: What's the Difference?

    quantum connection vs. quantum entanglement Do they mean the same? Are there any differences? Is the second one more common/newer/more standard than the first one? Could someone please answer these questions or recommend something to read?