Recent content by Limddong

  1. Limddong

    Magnetic field inside a solenoid calculated with Ampere's law

    Thanks for answering my question! Yes, the 'real' is not appropriate word. 'Total' would be appropriate. Sorry for that... However, what i really want to know is tha, Ampere's law gives us just some magnetic field that is generated by current 'inside' the ampere circuital. That means the...
  2. Limddong

    Magnetic field inside a solenoid calculated with Ampere's law

    I think the real magenetic field is sum of the magnetic fields calculated in each cross section of solenoid with various angle and same center axis when i apply Ampere's law. (Imagine the cross section contains a part of center line of the solenoid) Please let me know why we don't do like that. :)