Recent content by kroni

  1. kroni

    A Simulating Quantum Loop Theory: Can S-Knots Be Represented Numerically?

    Interesting, what is LQQ exactly ? Do you know a paper about knot simulation or the name of the software that detect knots ? I think that type of algorithm must be very CPU time consuming due to complexity of algorithm on graph that are often n^2 or worst.
  2. kroni

    Comparison of high-level computer programming languages

    AHAH. you cannot compare code with other if it is not optimized. Try ATLAS (Autotuned Lapack) lib on linux, hard to use but so fast ! People optimize it to death since 30 years. "The C++ code used simple Gauss-Jordan elimination taken from the book "Numerical Recipes in C" : I think you can...
  3. kroni

    A Simulating Quantum Loop Theory: Can S-Knots Be Represented Numerically?

    Hello, I am contacting you because I would like to know if there is a way to simulate quantum loop theory. Indeed, the S-Knots are much more complex objects than graphs because between the points there is a curve that can be knotted. S-Knots are graph embeddings in 3D and I do not see how such...
  4. kroni

    A Is Your Graph Homeomorphic to a Sphere?

    I totally agree with that but i get a graph from a extremely complex software and i want to check if this graph represent a manifold.
  5. kroni

    A Is Your Graph Homeomorphic to a Sphere?

    Hello, I want to prove that a graph represent a manifold, for this i take the opposites edges of a vertex (edge connected between vertex connected to the current vertex) and this subgraph need to be homeomorphic for example to the 1-sphere if i want a 2 manifold. This criterion ensure that my...
  6. kroni

    KISS Principle: Cleaning Up Code Left by Previous Programmer

    Kiss principle is not good because efficiecy imply complexity. Just look at the evolution of cars, before you have a simple motor, four wheel, now you have sensors, injector, optimal control, data fusion. To get efficiency the complexity need to be augmented. The thing i learn by working with...
  7. kroni

    C/C++ Usefulness of Pointers in C++?

    A very simple example is to make a vector of box to put everything you want inside. //Useless Parent class parent { } // But Template Child template<class T> class child : public parent { public : child(T * p):my_class(p){} private : T * my_class; } std::vector<parent *> v...
  8. kroni

    C/C++ Usefulness of Pointers in C++?

    Scabrous is an english word for risky, dangerous, or complex, it's not the name of a method.
  9. kroni

    C/C++ Usefulness of Pointers in C++?

    Pointer is also usefull for some scabrous trick in template programing, and for inheritance.
  10. kroni

    C/C++ Optimize C++ to use for computational physics?

    ARRRRGGGGGG Please listen to me. I work for years in computer optimisation. Use Eigen3 for matrix computing, it is a ultra optimised library but with an high level of programming due to it's meta-template building. Everyone in intensive computing use MKL, direct Blas on Eigen. Eigen is best for...
  11. kroni

    C/C++ Getting Started with C++ (for N-Body Simulations)

    You need to first make a trivial version where particle are a point class with class particle Vector3 speed Vector3 position double mass then with two loop on the particle vector you can compute gravitationnal force and then integrate acceleration to move the particle. For the...
  12. kroni

    I Condition on vector field to be a diffeomorphism.

    Monotonicity work only in 1D, [itex]\sup_{x\in\mathbb{R}^2}\Big\|\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}\Big\|[\itex] is non local. I will look in the book you advise. I find this problem really interesting, may be treated and treated again, but interesting Thanks for your answer. Clément
  13. kroni

    I Condition on vector field to be a diffeomorphism.

    Hi everybody, Let V(x) a vector field on a manifold ( R^2 in my case), i am looking for a condition on V(x) for which the function x^µ \rightarrow x^µ + V^µ(x) is a diffeomorphism. I read some document speaking about the flow, integral curve for ODE solving but i fail to find a generic...
  14. kroni

    Efficient 2D FFT in C for Large Arrays: Where to Find the Code?

    On linux you have the libfft. I never use it but i know it exist.
  15. kroni

    Maggiore Book misunderstanding

    To conclude, i send an email to Maggiore himself, he said that the matrix V act directly on Gij, that seems logic but the sentence in the book is confusing because he speak of VTiV* implying that V act on the générators. Thanks for the answer.