Recent content by jv07cs

  1. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Thanks for your honesty. You're right, I guess I am giving excuses. There are many factors to consider for this decision, but the reason why this question even arose is because I don't like this class. I will take into consideration all the replies in this thread, weigh the pros and cons, and...
  2. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Yes, I can withdraw without justification. If I do it and take this class next semester, it will show in my transcript a W in this class for this semester and an A in this class the next semester.
  3. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Mathematical physics A is not a pre-requisite to B. And they are not co-requisites either. The syllabus for the part A is mainly PDEs, Fourier Analysis, etc. And for part B, it is functional analysis, topology, operators, special functions (the professor has some freedom to decide what the focus...
  4. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Hi, @gwnorth. Thanks for the reply. The main source material for this class is the professor's lectures and lecture notes. And they are not working for me. I can work with the definitions and I can understand the proofs for the propositions. But I don't feel like I am learning anything from it...
  5. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Got it. Thanks for the advice.
  6. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    @berkeman , @symbolipoint Sorry, my reply was really unclear hahaha. In my university, we usually have like the first week or so to add/drop classes (which doesn't show in the transcript). Then we also have the chance to withdraw from classes in the first half of the semester, which shows on...
  7. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Hmm I really don't know as I haven't taken any exams yet and I don't know how the exams are, how the professor grades them. But I believe I would get at least a C. If I truly dedicated to this class (like focusing on studying for the exams), I think I could get an A. But, as up until now I feel...
  8. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    In my university, we can only withdraw from a class (without justification) until 50% of the semester is complete. After that, as far as I know, I can only either pass or fail the class. If I pass, I can't re-take it (not officially at least, I could attend the class again but voluntarily).
  9. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    I really don't think you are getting what I am saying. I am not talking about withdrawing or dropping every class that I don't like. I have never done it. My question is regarding this one specific situation. If for this specific situation, this one time, where I know that I can have a better...
  10. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    I wouldn't say that is my reaction to this. It is not the first time that a situation like this happens, where I am not satisfied with the quality of the class. But for this specific situation, I know that I have the opportunity to re-take this course with a professor that fits my learning style...
  11. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Until the end of July (we are like 35% through the semester).
  12. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    It covers a bit of measure theory and operators in Hilbert Spaces in the first half. And the second half covers special functions (gamma, Bessel, etc). I would re-take with another professor, with whom I have taken two other classes and really like the teaching methodology (he offers this class...
  13. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Do you think it would look bad, like it would have a negative impact in future applications etc? Or just that it wouldn't be a positive point? Like it would look better if I didn't have that W, but having one doesn't really affect anything?
  14. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    Thanks for your reply. The add/drop deadline has passed already (it was until the first week of the semester), so it would show on my transcript. Do you think that, having in my mind that I haven't failed nor withdrawn any classes, this one withdraw on my transcript could be significantly...
  15. jv07cs

    Courses Should I withdraw from a class?

    I am currently in the beginning of my Junior year as a physics major. This semester I am taking Electromagnetic Theory A, Mathematical Physics A, Mathematical Physics B and a special topics course (which consists of some minicourses and seminars on a range of topics in theoretical and...