Recent content by Joorge

  1. Joorge

    I Making a "Planetary Gear Set" using a 3D printer and PLA material

    Thanks for your answer. Honestly, I don't know that much about tangential and angular speeds. What I need is the ring to turn once at the same time as the sun does, but in opposite directions, hence the planetary set. I understand this is possible as long as the ring and the sun have the same...
  2. Joorge

    I Making a "Planetary Gear Set" using a 3D printer and PLA material

    Indeed, I'm asking again and it's telling me the last answer I've posted is wrong. I'd appreciate if you can tell me the "truth", LOL. It may not be possible for one turn of the ring to coincide with one turn of the sun, but I guess is right, as long as the ring and the sun have the same amount...
  3. Joorge

    I Making a "Planetary Gear Set" using a 3D printer and PLA material

    I want to create a set of planetary gears using a 3D printer and PLA material. I'm designing them with the help of Autodesk Inventor 2020 since my knowledge in this area is quite limited. The gear set consists of a ring gear, a sun gear, and 2 planet gears. The sun and the ring gear rotate in...
  4. Joorge

    B Maximizing Mechanical Advantage in Levers: Investigating Size and Shape

    I have no idea. That's the reason I'm asking. Thanks anyway.
  5. Joorge

    B Maximizing Mechanical Advantage in Levers: Investigating Size and Shape

    My question is if the second one could be consider a lever provided that is crossing the fulcrum by outside and if so, if the mechanical advantage would be the same in both cases, or more, or less. I don't know it because I have very basic understanding of Physics, that's the reason I came...
  6. Joorge

    B Maximizing Mechanical Advantage in Levers: Investigating Size and Shape

    If you want to fill in the right hand is up to you, but that's not my question. You can make some holes too or paint the whole thing in pink. Did you get your gold member answering like that? :woot:
  7. Joorge

    B Maximizing Mechanical Advantage in Levers: Investigating Size and Shape

    The only thing I learned long time ago was distance_A x Force_A = distance_B x Force_B. What is intriguing to me if is passing through the center (so to speak) is needed. Sorry about my English.
  8. Joorge

    B Maximizing Mechanical Advantage in Levers: Investigating Size and Shape

    Well, I'm 60 years old... I don't think so. I mean if I need to touch (so to speak) the center. Sorry about my ignorance and my English.
  9. Joorge

    B Maximizing Mechanical Advantage in Levers: Investigating Size and Shape

    I have these 2 levers seen from above, that is, gravity does not affect. In the first one, it is clear to me that it is a first class lever and that the mechanical advantage is 2x. What about the second one? Does it make any difference? I'm wondering if I need to 'cross' the fulcrum (so to...