Recent content by jianggong

  1. jianggong

    14MeV neutrons in MCNP interact with carbon without producing alpha

    Thank you very much for your reply. I need to calculate the energy spectrum deposited by alpha particles generated by neutron and C in C. Currently, the program cannot carry out INCL physical model and heavy ion transport at the same time. When I use the physical model of neutron and C alone and...
  2. jianggong

    14MeV neutrons in MCNP interact with carbon without producing alpha

    When heavy ion transport is cancelled, the program is ready to run. However, the physical model must also be used, and the α transport results are different from the measured results, but the PHITS results are accurate. Don't know what the problem is
  3. jianggong

    14MeV neutrons in MCNP interact with carbon without producing alpha

    Thank you very much for your answer, but after I modified it according to your prompt, it shows that I used it incorrectly. Is there any problem
  4. jianggong

    14MeV neutrons in MCNP interact with carbon without producing alpha

    14MeV neutrons in MCNP interact with carbon without producing alpha particles and protons, yes Questions about my cross section data? I've tried ENDFB8/B7.1, JEFF3.3, JENDL5, CENDL3.2 without any results, but if you use phys:n model, it looks like alpha particles will be produced, but it doesn't...
  5. jianggong

    MCNP6.2 - How to plot normalized tallies with MCNP6.2?

    Perhaps you can try to use the FM multiplier subcard in the input program to process the data directly, then plot.