Recent content by guywithdoubts

  1. guywithdoubts

    Water bending with comb: but where do the electrons go?

    I suppose the stream isn't being charged!
  2. guywithdoubts

    I What problems would 'black holes' not being formed solve?

    The problem is not with event horizons. Any body with an escape velocity of at least c will necessarily form an event horizon, there is no doubt about this, as it's inevitable. The question is whether there is an actual physical singularity "behind" the horizon or not.
  3. guywithdoubts

    I Equilibrium of Universe: Earth vs. Black Hole

    Quick question, are you assuming protons to decay or am I missing something else?
  4. guywithdoubts

    I I cannot figure out what I saw in this picture, help me

    Light from some ceiling lamps? Is that glass between you and the outside?
  5. guywithdoubts

    Three Planets I See Large and Small....

    Make 1 and 3 have really thick atmospheres like Venus, so that they're very bright and very visible from 2, but doing astronomy from them is either too hard or impossible. You'd have to make 2 invisible to them too, so that you can only see 1 and 3 <from each other> if and only if they're very...
  6. guywithdoubts

    Would current flow in a vacuum like space

    Vacuum acts as an insulator but eventually if voltage is high enough there will be lightning. At least that's what I've always understood.
  7. guywithdoubts

    A Did the LUX Dark Matter Experiment Fail to Detect Dark Matter?

    They are basically trying to find limits on how much DM interacts with regular matter. So now we have even weaker limits on how weakly it might interact. As of it nature, who knows so far.
  8. guywithdoubts

    Teratomas: Abnormal or Normal-Sized Pieces?

    Oh I know they don't function and can be fatal. I'm just wondering about the size of teeth and jawbones in teratomas. Are they the same size of regular teeth and jawbones, or do they tend to be smaller/larger, or may they grow to any random size? I'm asking independently of the tumor in/from...
  9. guywithdoubts

    Teratomas: Abnormal or Normal-Sized Pieces?

    Do pieces such as teeth grow to normal size in teratomas, or are they usually of abnormal dimensions? I have read of rare cases where (at least partially formed) jawbones were found in the tumor, but how much do they resemble the actual, functional body parts of the patient?
  10. guywithdoubts

    I Expansion of the universe, a poor choice of words?

    There is a center of the observable universe and that's wherever you are. Everything would get closer and closer to you if you rewound. You'd see the same thing if you were anywhere else. Then that the universe (not the observable universe) is finite or infinite is a different question. Now to...
  11. guywithdoubts

    Speed of light and the universe

    Proper time (your own) always ticks at the same rate, but depending on movement relative to other clocks you will observe them tick differently from yours, and so will they. You can't travel a c, your thought experiment is invalid from the very premise.
  12. guywithdoubts

    I Space expansion and Universe as computation

    Funny we didn't mention procedural generation yet.
  13. guywithdoubts

    I Space expansion and Universe as computation

    But space would be distance between particles, that is a variable of particles and not a stand-alone entity. If the number of particles remains constant then I don't see why you'd ever need more power to compute it. If particles decay, which they do, then make sure you have power to compute for...
  14. guywithdoubts

    Theoretical Time Travel: Explaining the Possibility

    Travelling to the past would violate causality, which I think to have understood to prohibit it quite emphatically.