Recent content by Genocide

  1. G

    What does vanishing Ricci tensor signify ?

    Are Ricci flat manifolds analogous to flat space-time ? Further for Ricci flat manifolds does the Riemann tensor vanish ?
  2. G

    What Lies Beyond the Observable Cosmos?

    You might want to check this thread as well
  3. G

    Empirically testing black holes.

    Absolutely agreed with Bandersnatch. Further I guess we would not even know if Voyager actually enters into a black-hole because Kruskal diagram reveals that we see infinite time from our frame. So it would be like getting stuck in event horizon from our point of view although it may go deeper...
  4. G

    Book suggestions for WKB approximation and Perturbations in Cosmology

    Ahh seems I am slowly getting some ways to deal. Most importantly relaxed mind :) Adomian decomposition method is an interesting method wow..! I admit i didn't know that. But seems they aren't used in standard cosmology literature upto now !
  5. G

    Book suggestions for WKB approximation and Perturbations in Cosmology

    Ah that was some dazzling stuff . I think I can somehow understand the Perturbations in Quantum mechanics. But in cosmology , for eg: General theory of Small fluctuations , Chapter 5 , Cosmology by Weinberg, as soon as Ricci Tensor and affine connections come in my way, I just go crazy like...
  6. G

    Book suggestions for WKB approximation and Perturbations in Cosmology

    Yeah , perturbations is in large scale structure formations. Meanwhile I got to check that book. Thanks!
  7. G

    Book suggestions for WKB approximation and Perturbations in Cosmology

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if you guys could suggest me some good books in cosmology with finely explained WKB method and Perturbations especially in Structure formation area. I have "The early universe" by Klob and Turner and "Cosmology" by Weinberg , but they seem unpalatable at first...
  8. G

    Math Processing Error while viewing threads

    Oh yeah seems the problem is solved by itself :)
  9. G

    Math Processing Error while viewing threads

    Hi everyone, I was viewing a couple of threads and I always get Math Processing Error maybe on the equations posted. Has anyone ever noticed this ? My browser seems okay and is updated regularly including Java runtime environment. Is this my fault of computer or something on the server side ...