Recent content by Exidor

  1. Exidor

    I Time dilation vs. the Doppler effect

    I am listening but not comprehending. Thanks anyway. I have more questions if you’re willing.
  2. Exidor

    I Time dilation vs. the Doppler effect

    Wouldn't it appear to the observer on Earth as though time had sped up, when it should be slower? Can you reference the math for this?
  3. Exidor

    I Time dilation vs. the Doppler effect

    What happens if the object is heading toward you at the same velocity? Is it blue shifted with the pulse rate slowed?
  4. Exidor

    I Time dilation vs. the Doppler effect

    If you had an object moving away from you at near C and it was emitting light that was pulsed at 1 Hz (from the point of view of the object) and you were to view it from a stationary position (earth), what would you see? It would be red shifted and the pulse rate would be slowed down? Would the...
  5. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    Close mindedness makes discussion pointless also.
  6. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    You don't know if the rules apply inside a black hole. And what about tachyons? Some people think they exist. Quantum entanglement?
  7. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    Well your saying that light coming towards a black hole is blue shifted. If this is the case then some of it would escape and appear at the edge of a black hole in an actual observation? I am rusty but if you let v exceed c: 1/((1-(v^2/c^2))^(1/2)) The result is imaginary.
  8. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    I was thinking inside a black hole C is exceeded but time becomes imaginary.
  9. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    Does the edge of a black hole show blue shifting of light in astronomical observations?
  10. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    I would think it would slow down because of Doppler shift. But you also have time dilation as the observer approached C?
  11. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    Looking at the black hole from outside the event horizon everything at the event horizon and closer to the center of the black hole would appear black, wouldn't it? Is this the same as an infinite red shift?
  12. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    At the event horizon has the object reached a velocity of C?
  13. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    If they looked behind them, the stars and everything else would be redshifted to the point of blackness.
  14. Exidor

    B Conundrum thinking about crossing an Event Horizon

    They could see if their wristwatch broke?