
Hi everyone 😁 I'm Cassie and I'm here to feed my head 😵🎂 I feel like I know a lot of information but not the technicalities, I'm simple. But have extremely bad ADD (or adhd depending on the day😂😜) so I apologize in advance if I ever ask a dumb question. I try my best not to make assumptions. My goal in life is to get so good with my Gods that in my next shell I will work with Dr. Seuss and be Salvador Dali's best friend. Nothing in life is real. Reality is something we created and put a definition to so reality is a figment of your imagination. Use your imagination 100% all of the time and never define or judge yourself on others opinions just laugh because that's the best medicine. Say what you mean and mean what you say. I have bad headaches often. What medicine do y'all prefer? I'm on the fence with ibuprofen and good ol aspirin. 😁 have a beautiful day.
Education in Progress
Not in school
Educational Background
High School
Artist/theorist/space cadet
Favorite Area of Science
Everything!!! ❤ but mostly rocks and minerals. And the sky.
Favorite Scientist/s
Albert Einstein and Ben Franklin
Favorite Books
Flowers in the attic