Recent content by Dirac62

  1. Dirac62

    Projector augmented wave method

    Hello, did you find the solution. If so, please help me. I will have a presentation on APW method. Would you please help me? Tnx.
  2. Dirac62

    I Quantum well, Types of triangular ones

    please consider two wells among three barriers, how to solve it
  3. Dirac62

    I Quantum well, Types of triangular ones

    Hello I want to ask, how many types of Triangular quantum well is there in quantum mechanics? how does the schrodinger eq. change? and also their eigenvalues. tnx.
  4. Dirac62

    Quantum Hamiltonian: Reconciling the Discrepancy

    I think after all, we would see a MINUS sign in the relation. Am I right? I mean we subtrahend KE and PE. Is it true?
  5. Dirac62


  6. Dirac62

    Discover Eigenfunctions & Eigenvalues in Triangular Quantum Well

    how can I make a relation between it and triangular well plus schrodinger eq. in order to find eigenfunctions?
  7. Dirac62

    Discover Eigenfunctions & Eigenvalues in Triangular Quantum Well

    Hello all, I need to understand how to find eigenfunctions and eigenvalues in a state of Triangular quantum well, It would consist of two triangle. Tnx a lot.
  8. Dirac62

    What forum is helpful for expanding knowledge of physics for personal interest?

    Welcome. I am from Iran. This site and its forum seems very helpful. Hope to hear from you more here.
  9. Dirac62

    Quantum Mechanics Exam Prep for PhDs

    Thanks a lot. I will try it.
  10. Dirac62

    Engineering Can't find a Job in Engineering, what to do?

    You are not obliged to wait till a company hire you. With a little money as well as finding some same friends who are graduated in the same majors, you will be able to establish a small company (like cooperative company). If you need more information, I will try to give them.
  11. Dirac62

    Are there particles with zero spin?

    Elementary bosons may have spins (0,1,2,...), but 0 and 2, for example, were just anticipated. By 2013, it has been supposed that the Higgs boson with spin zero exist. Besides, spin 2 for Graviton is predicted.
  12. Dirac62

    Quantum Mechanics Exam Prep for PhDs

    thanks, I think I am good in general concepts and formulas, but the thing is I have a very hard exam for PhD that relates to hard problems.
  13. Dirac62

    Are there particles with zero spin?

    Hello dear Sir Helium atom is likely to have spin 0, then acts like a boson. It contains quarks and electrons which are fermions, but as a hole, helium can be boson. regards,