Recent content by dedocta

  1. dedocta

    I Would Icarus' wings fly in Earth's atmosphere and moon gravity?

    Oh my goodness - 1/6th thanks Dave! Bit of a spaceshot here haha. Thats a good point.
  2. dedocta

    I Would Icarus' wings fly in Earth's atmosphere and moon gravity?

    Could they generate enough lift for 1/11th the weight of a human? Was picturing a giant warehouse and curious if it would work!
  3. dedocta

    A Does gravity affect Brownian Motion?

    I know passive diffusion rates behave differently on the International Space Station relative to Earth (video of a contained flame experiment burning up there.) However, does the random walk of pollen particles etc. have slowed velocity in comparison to that on Earth? Has been bugging me for a...
  4. dedocta

    I Mass, Distance & Early Universe: Is It Mere Coincidence?

    Oh! I left something out, the radius to the edge of the observable Universe is pretty much the radius including what would be beyond the dark opaque wall, as radius of the first seconds of the Universe temporally, would lie maybe @ most 4-10 million lightyears of comoving distance beyond...
  5. dedocta

    I Mass, Distance & Early Universe: Is It Mere Coincidence?

    Well the first calculation I was doing is not appropriate due to the shell theorem, however, basically if you had a point source of mass at the edge of the Universe, I was wondering what you would get out for force and acceleration at that distance. F=Gmm/r^2, so the force would be proportional...
  6. dedocta

    I Mass, Distance & Early Universe: Is It Mere Coincidence?

    I was playing around with a theory that dark matter was behind the opaque wall of the early universe, as gravity would not be opaque. Not sure if the numbers fit yet, but one odd thing I calculated was the distance squared of 46 billion light years, as the mass of the early universe, by time...
  7. dedocta

    Plate Tectonics and Evolutionary Pressure

    Is this why Australia has so many marsupials?
  8. dedocta

    Plate Tectonics and Evolutionary Pressure

    I used to work with invasive species in the early 2000's. I saw firsthand the damage a single invasive species can wreak on an ecosystem (Emerald Ash Borer among other insects.) After watching videos of plate tectonics, I began to wonder what would happen to ecosystems on large scales during...
  9. dedocta

    I Deflect Asteroid w/ Collisions: Calculating Theta & MJ Interractions

    In short, I was trying to look into feasibility of deflecting an asteroid with a collision of ~32MJ of direct energy. I wanted to know how many collisions are necessary to deflect at a given time out (distance away.) I found this link, where the collision is perpendicular to the motion of the...
  10. dedocta

    Insights How to Avoid Breaking Physics With Your “What If” Question

    This is an incredibly useful post as someone new to forums, and rather unsure how and if to post something I've worked on. Thanks phinds!
  11. dedocta

    I FRB's source as Rail and/or Coil Guns (or mass drivers)

    Summary: FRB's source as Rail and/or Coil Guns (or mass drivers) Hello, I've been studying rail and coil guns recently, and certain applications of this technology can result in some pretty high speeds with a significant amount of mass. I've been wondering if these FRB's could be a result of...