Recent content by Cloruro de potasio

  1. C

    A Negative slope in Williamson-Hall model

    Good afternoon, I am analyzing a diffraction diagram (XRD) corresponding to a powder diffraction experiment , and I have obtained a negative slope value when plotting ##\left(\beta_{exp}-\beta_{inst}\right)\cos\theta## vs ##\sin\theta##. This implies that the strain coefficient is negative for...
  2. C

    Can I simplify this RLC circuit problem using a different method?

    Thanks again, the associations of impedances if I understand them correctly, and I know how to get to the expression that I have left above, the problem is that when calculating the module of the impedance, and deriving, the expressions that remain on very very long and ugly, and it is...
  3. C

    Can I simplify this RLC circuit problem using a different method?

    Hello, I have been thinking about this problem for a few hours, and I do not understand how I should proceed to solve it correctly. Section a is very simple, just substitute in the expression that gives us the values of L and C that the statement gives us. However, when I get to section b, I...
  4. C

    Streamlines from a complex potential

    I've been trying this problem for a long time. By operating the lower part of the logarithm and clapping the real and imaginary part of the logarithm, I have come to the conclusion that the correct lines must be those in which it is true that: $ d \ frac {(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2-a ^ 2) ^ 2 + 4y ^ 2a ^...
  5. C

    Potential vector (A) of a disk with a surface current

    Hi, I've been stuck for a long time with this exercise. I am not able to calculate the potential vector, since I do not know very well how to pose the itegral, or how to decompose the disk to facilitate the resolution of the problem. I know that because the potential vector must be parallel to...
  6. C

    Does the resistance of a material vary when introduced into water?

    I am preparing a small experimental project for the university on the influence of temperature on the resistivity of metals, and I have seen that one of the possible ways of measuring it is by introducing the material into water and increasing the temperature, but I have not just seen very clear...
  7. C

    Does the resistance of a material vary when introduced into water?

    Suppose we have a copper wire, of resistance R, and we introduce it in water, when applying now a certain potential difference between the two ends, will the intensity that circulates through the wire be the same, and therefore also the resistance ?, is there going to be a potential drop due to...
  8. C

    Doubt about the 1st Law of Maxwell

    Yes, I agree that I should give zero, what happens is that calculating the divergence of the field (from the expressions I left above), does not give zero ...
  9. C

    Doubt about the 1st Law of Maxwell

    Okay, but still ... at points outside the disk, the surface charge density is zero, but according to my calculations the divergence of E is not ...
  10. C

    Doubt about the 1st Law of Maxwell

    The electric field due to a disk of radius R on the z axis is: And its divergence will be: That evaluated at a point other than z = 0 is not necessarily zero, I know there has to be an error in my reasoning but I am not able to find it.
  11. C

    Doubt about the 1st Law of Maxwell

    Good afternoon, My question concerns Maxwell's first law. Knowing the formula of the electric field created by a uniformly charged disk, we calculate its divergence and evaluate it at one point, it does not give us zero, as it should be because the volumetric density of charge is zero, why does...
  12. C

    Trapezoid method converges faster than the Simpson method

    Okay, thanks, I knew these formulas, what happens is that since you have to integrate between 0 and 2π and in 2π the second and fourth derivatives diverge, it is difficult to get the maximum error level ... And is there any explanation why, in this particular case, the trapezoid method...
  13. C

    Trapezoid method converges faster than the Simpson method

    Okay, thanks, and this phenomenon, why does it happen? I've been searching on several websites but I don't understand very well ...
  14. C

    Trapezoid method converges faster than the Simpson method

    Good Morning, I have been doing computer practices in C ++, and for an integration practice, the trapezoid method converges faster than the Simpson method. The function to be integrated is a first class elliptical integral of the form: Where k is bounded between [0,1). I have been thinking...
  15. C

    What is the tension force at the top of a spring?

    But... how do you apply Newton's Third Law to this system??