Recent content by chitturp

  1. C

    Question about sign convention for R1 and R2 when using the lens maker's formula

    Hi! I'm having some trouble with optics. When we have convex, planoconvex, concave, planoconcave, and meniscus lenses, I don't understand how to substitute with the sign for R1 and R2. How do I determine whether the radius of a side is negative or positive? A book that I'm using said to take...
  2. C

    Another sign convention issue (optics)

    There's still something a bit confusing about that.. Wouldn't the new image now be a virtual one?.. so the sign convention would be negative for that? But in the original problem. the "virtual object" for the second lens has a negative sign and the final image was given a positive sign.
  3. C

    Another sign convention issue (optics)

    I read through all of the previous sign convention posts on this forum (and googled a lot and checked a bunch of textbooks) before posting this question. I don't understand the sign convention properly for geometric optics. There are two conventions that I've understood so far, and I've got a...