Recent content by Alaindevos

  1. Alaindevos

    What are Good Books on Tensors for Understanding Einstein's Field Equation?

    I currently own the book "Introduction to Riemannian Manifolds" (John Lee). But it's above my head. I cannot read it. Understand all the symbols. Nabla_underscore_X - nabla_underscore_Y - [X,Y] The last i think is a commutator. I need an introduction to this book ...
  2. Alaindevos

    What are Good Books on Tensors for Understanding Einstein's Field Equation?

    Some context. I just want to understand "Einsteins Field equation". But as it is formulated in the form of tensors, i need to understand tensors. Or abstract index notation ? [ PS : I had vector calculus at University, but that's a different beast as the space was Euclidean]
  3. Alaindevos

    What are Good Books on Tensors for Understanding Einstein's Field Equation?

    I'm looking for good books on Tensors. I have "Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces" from Pavel Grinfeld. But i look for others. [Mentor Note: Thread moved from the Relativity forum]